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A game store website created with the Django-framework.

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WSD-Project Project Plan

the final report

1. Team Members

  • Dawid Worek (795674)
  • Ye Yizhou (795852)
  • Parinaz Avaznejad (795836)

2. Features

  1. Authentication :

    • Login, logout and registration (both as a player and a developer)
    • Edit profile (both as a developer and a player)
    • Email validation after signing up
    • Password recovery
    • 3rd party login (OpenID , Gmail)
  2. Player functionalities

    • Purchasing games
    • Playing games
    • Removing games from one's own list
    • Reviewing games and also rating them
    • Searching for games
    • Security restrictions
    • Filtering games by game categories, price and name
    • Listing games owned by oneself
  3. Developer functionalities

    • Adding a game (URL)
      • Adding a description or a screenshot
      • Assigning categories for the game
    • Setting a price for a game (or free)
    • Managing a game
      • Modifying the description or screenshots
      • Modify the game
      • Removing the game
      • Changing the price
    • Providing feedback to player reviews
    • Sales statistics
    • Security restrictions
  4. Game/service interaction

    • Implement game and the game service communication (Score, Save, Load , Error, Setting, Load request)
  5. Creating a game

  6. RESTful API

    • Searching for games
    • Filtering games
    • Displaying highscores for a game

3 Extra Features

  • Edit profile (both as a developer and a player)
  • Email validation after signing up
  • Pasword recovery
  • Remove games from one's own list
  • Reviewing games and also rating them
  • Filtering games by game categories, price and name
  • Adding a description or a screenshott
  • Assigning categories for the game
  • Providing feedback to player reviews

4 Implementation

Database: PostgreSQL

Frontend: HTML5 , CSS (Bootstrap), Java Script (jQuery 3.4.1)

Backend: Django 3.0

Authentication Features:
  1. URLs for Authentication feature:

    • accounts/login/
    • accounts/logout/
    • accounts/signup_player/
    • accounts/signup_developer/
    • accounts/edit_profile/
    • accounts/password_change/
    • accounts/password_change/done/
    • accounts/password_recovery/
    • accounts/password_recovery/done/
  2. Using Django registration app for

    • Login
    • Logout
    • Register
    • Password Recovery
  3. Using Django's Console Backend for Email Validation

  4. Using 3rd party Django app like social-django or django-socialregisteration for 3rd party login (OpenID , Gmail)

  5. Edit Profile will be implemented from scratch

Player functionality features
  1. URLs for Player functionalities

    • home/
    • game/<game_id>/<game_name>
    • games

    In home url, a player profile is displayed along with the games that the player in question owns. The user can remove these games from their list if they choose so.

    The user also has access to a purchase history page. Upon selecting a game from their list, they will be redirected to game/<game_id>/<game_name> and can either proceed to play the chosen game or add textual reviews coupled with numeric ratings. In game/<game_id>/<game_name> the user can buy the game. In "games" URL user can see all the available games, and can filter or search games.

    In home url, when user is not authenticated, only searching the games is permitted.

  2. This part will be implemented based on Django's MVT (Model, View, Template) pattern.

Developer functionality features
  1. URLs for Developer functionalities

    • home/
    • games/add/
    • game/<game_id>/<game_name>

    In home url, developer profile, list of published games by the developer will be displayed. Also, developer can add the URL of the game and they will be redirected to /games/add URL. In games/add URL, the developer can set the description and upload screenshots of the game, assign categories to the game, and set a price.

    In game/<game_id>/<game_name>, the developer can manage the game by modifying the descriptions and screenshots, updating the game's URL or changing the price. On this page the developers see the player reviews and can write responses to them. Here they also see sales statistics.

  2. This part is implemented in the same pattern as player's functionalities.

  1. URLs for restful API:

    • apiv1/search?q=something
    • apiv1/highscore?g=game_id&n=10
    • apiv1/search?q=search_query&c=category1,category2&sort=rating|price

    For searching a game we call RESTful API with addess apiv1/search?q=something, where 'q' is a parameter which defines query. Search results can be also filtered by adding two optional parameters: 'c' for categories and 'sort' for sorting (by games' rating - from the best rated game to the worst or prices - from the cheapest to the most expensive). RESTful API with address 'apiv1/highscore?g=game_id&n=10' enables us to get the 'n' highest scores for the specific game, where 'n' is optional parameter (default value is 10).

  2. Requests are handled by Django and responses are in JSON format.

5 Plan on working on the project

We're going to use Trello for tasks managment and GitLab as a server for git version control system. Every week we're going to meet to discuss issues, future work and current state of the project. If it is possible, during these meetings we will integrate ready components. We're going to start working on implementation after semester break.

6 Initial draft of models

  1. Game Model:

    id = integerField(unique ,primary_key)

    title = charField()

    developer = foregin_key

    description = textField()

    dateOfUpload = dateField()

    screenshots = urlField()

    averageRating = floatField()

    category = charField()

    price = floatField()

    minimumAge = IntegerField()

  2. Review Model:

    id = IntegerField(unique, primary_key)

    gameId = foreign_key

    playerId = foreign_key

    rating = IntegerField()

    description = textField()

  3. Review-game Model:

    gameId = foreign_key

    reviewId = foreign_key

  4. Player Model (We are extending abstractUser model from Django framework):

    id = IntegerField(unique, primary_key)

    username = charField()

    email = EmailField()

    dateOfBirth = DateField()

  5. Game-player Model:

    gameId = IntegerField()

    playerId = IntegerField()

    score = floatField()

    gameState = textField()

  6. Developer Model (We are extending abstractUser model from Django framework):

    id = IntegerField(unique, primary_key)

    username = charField()

    email = EmailField()

    paymentInfo = textField()

  7. File-based Session Model (it will be used for session handling)

7 Timetable:

Start Date = 10.01.2020

Milestone 1:
	Title = Authentication Phase
	Expected Deadline= 17.01.2020
		1) Database Deployment
		2) Login, Logout, and registration
		3) Password recovery
		4) Email validation
		5) Edit profile

Milestone 2:
	Title = Basic Developer and players Functionalities 
	Expected Deadline = 24.01.2020
		1) Adding a game (URL) with description, screenshots, category, and price
		2) Managing the game (Modify game, description, and price)
		3) Removing the game
		4) Purchasing games
		5) Listing one's games
		6) Removing a game from their list
		7) Playing games

Milestone 3:
	Title = Finishing Developer and players Functionalities
	Expected Deadline = 31.01.2020
		1) Adding reviews, ratings for the game
		2) Providing feedback to player reviews
		3) Generating sales statistics
		4) RESTful APIs for (Searching games, Filtering games, and showing highscores
		5) Game/Service Interactions

Milestone 4:
	Title = Advanced features
	Expected Deadline = 07.02.2020
		1) 3rd party login
		2) Creating a game
		3) Testing
		4) Fixing Bugs

Expected Finish Date = 10.02.2020


A game store website created with the Django-framework.






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