This package is a MATLAB implementation of the Rotation alignment of a camera-IMU system using a single affine correspondence [1]. It includes a demo and corresponding data for rotation alignment of a camera-IMU system using only a single affine correspondence in minimal case. Authors: Yu Yingjian, Banglei Guan et al.
[1] Yingjian Yu, Banglei Guan, Xiangyi Sun, Zhang Li, and Friedrich Fraundorfer, "Rotation alignment of a camera¨CIMU system using a single affine correspondence," Appl. Opt. 60, 7455-7465 (2021).
If you use this package in an academic work, please cite:
author = {Yingjian Yu and Banglei Guan and Xiangyi Sun and Zhang Li and Friedrich Fraundorfer},
journal = {Appl. Opt.},
keywords = {Cameras; Detectors; Gyroscopes; Image metrics; Image registration; Imaging noise},
number = {24},
pages = {7455--7465},
publisher = {OSA},
title = {Rotation alignment of a camera--IMU system using a single affine correspondence},
volume = {60},
month = {Aug},
year = {2021},
url = {},
doi = {10.1364/AO.431909}
File: demo.m
Key function API: [ RError,TError ] = get1acResult( Rimu1,Rimu2,A, Rfirst,x1,x2,Rzyxall,T12,d);
Input data for API:
Rimu1 3x3 -the rotation matrix from IMU1 to world frame
Rimu2 3x3 -the rotation matrix from IMU2 to world frame
(A, x1,x2) - The A is the 2x2 affine matrix of affine correspondence, the x1 and x2 are the normalized image point correspondence.
Rfirst - The initial rotation matrix between camera and IMU.
Rzyxall - The ground truth of the rotation matrix between camera and IMU.
T12 - The translation vector between camera1 and camera2.
Let eye1, eye2 be position coordinates in world frame of camera1 and camera2, then T12 =-( eye2 - eye1)'.
d - The distance from eye1 to the plane.
Output data of API:
RError - The error of the estimated rotation matrix between camera and IMU.
TError - The error of the recovered translation vector between camera1 and camera2.
Input Data for demo: