A portable remote controller for WifiDuck by SpacehuhnTech
This repository is intended to add on to the work of SpacehuhnTech's WifiDuck.
- Go to the Releases page and download the latest release file.
- Open the
file in Arduino IDE. - Set the configuration by changing the SSID and password in the code.
- Add ESP8266 to the board manager:
- Go to
>>Additional Boards Manager URLs
- Paste the following URL:
- Go to
- Select the board
NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
. - Flash the code to the ESP8266.
- Connect the buttons:
- Up button to GPIO12
- Down button to GPIO14
- Select button to GPIO13
- Connect the SSD1306 display:
- SCL to GPIO5
- SDA to GPIO4
- Turn on the ESP8266. It will connect to the WiFi credentials set in the code.
- Booting the ESP8266 while holding the Select button will connect it to the alternate WiFi credentials set in the code.
- Use the buttons:
- Press Up and Down to navigate between scripts.
- Press Select to run the selected script.
- Portable remote controller to control SpacehuhnTech's WiFiDuck without using a phone or a laptop.
Special thanks to SpacehuhnTech for WiFiDuck.