Rubik's cube assistant on Flask webapp. This webapp accepts the six faces of your cube and gives you the voice instructions as a response.
Demo -> Link
This webapp requires a lot of extra modules and packages to be downloaded, It is recommanded to follow this order :
$ yum install python3 -y
$ yum install gcc-c++ -y
$ yum install python3-devel -y
$ pip3 install flask
$ pip3 install Pillow
$ pip3 install numpy
$ pip3 install joblib
$ pip3 install scikit-learn
$ pip3 install scikit-build
$ pip3 install opencv-python
$ yum install opencv opencv-devel opencv-python -y
$ pip3 install kociemba
Navigate to http://<IP>:<PORT>/input
This webapp runs on port no. 85
by default, but can be changed in the
file. To use take edge to edge and centred pics of the cube.
Start with Red
face with the White
face down, and take pictures in the order Red -> Green -> Orange -> Blue -> Yellow -> White
. After this click get solution
. While listening to the instructions
face the Red
centred face with the White
centred face down.
$ sudo docker run -dit -p <PORT>:85 --name <NAME> yashindane/webcube:v1
$ sudo podman run -dit -p <PORT>:85 --name <NAME>
$ sudo docker run --platform linux/arm64/v8 -dit -p <PORT>:85 --name <NAME> yashindane/webcube:linux-arm64v8
Code for arm64v8 version -> link
The six images of six faces have there respective data_uri
, which are submitted by a form when you click get solution
. This data_uri
are converted to images and saved.
Next the function order
renames and creates new images (format example face_0.png to face_5.png), according to images that have central tile colour matching in the order yellow -> green -> red -> white -> blue -> orange
. Naming images in this order is required for the cube to be solved. A cubestring is formed after predicting the tile colours and getting there respective notations.
colour_mappings = {
"red": "F",
"green": "R",
"blue": "L",
"yellow": "U",
"white": "D",
"orange": "B"
The cubestring is passed to the kociemba.solve()
function, which return a string containing instructions for solving the cube.
Kociemba is a Python/C implementation of Herbert Kociemba's Two-Phase algorithm for solving Rubik's Cube.
Read full documentation of Kociemba here -> Link
the instructions are decoded to human voice instructions. This instructions are then written to the output.js
file, which outputs this instructions as voice.
build docker image by ->
$ docker build -t <username>/<repo-name>:<version>
I have also uploded already build image for this webapp on Docker Hub -> Link
create a deployment by ->
$ kubectl create deployment <deploy-name> --image <username>/<repo-name>:<version>
Scale the deployment if necessary and create a service by ->
$ kubectl expose deployment <deploy-name> --port=85 --name=<service-name> --type=LoadBalancer
Visit this link -> link
Navigate to chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure
on chrome browser and add http://<IP>:<PORT>
inside Insecure origins treated as secure box
and click enable and reload the chrome page.
After usage just remove the entry and click disable.