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Last Updated on 2020-05-02

Copyright (C) 2018 Pintaudi Giorgio, YNU v4.4

This is a bash script that installs ANPAN (Acquisition Networked Program for Accelerated Neutrinos) along with all its dependencies for the Ubuntu and CentOS OSes. ANPAN is a collection of open-source and proprietary software used for the remote control and for data acquisition of the WAGASCI experiment (one of the T2K near detectors).

For further information about ANPAN refer to this link. Because ANPAN contains proprietary software, only the WAGASCI members are allowed to install it.

This script is an updated and heavily modified version based on the original Calicoes installation script for CentOS 7. Calicoes is a software for control-command and data acquisition of the Silicium/Tungsten Electromagnetic Calorimeter (SIW-Ecal) for the future ILC Detector on which ANPAN is based.


This script assumes a vanilla install of Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or CentOS 7. It installs ANPAN automatically and with almost no input from the user. Only some paths can be specified (if the user doesn't want to use the default ones).

The present script was developed by Pintaudi Giorgio, a member of the WAGASCI collaboration. WAGASCI is a sub-experiment of the T2K experiment. The Calicoes code (that is bundled with Anpan) is proprietary code developed by the LLR laboratory specifically for the CALICE and WAGASCI experiments. If you are a WAGASCI member there is no problem but if you are not, please contact me for assistance (my address is on the bottom).

All the dependencies are either downloaded from the repositories or directly compiled. The compilation process may take some time depending on the CPU speed and number or cores.

If the script encounters any error it immediately stops. When you resume it, you can skip the installation of some dependencies if you have already installed them.


Please don't run the script as super user. You will be requested the super user password AFTER the script has started. To run the script you can follow this procedure:

  • CentOS 7:

    Open a shell and issue

sudo yum install git
git clone
cd AnpanInstaller
chmod +x
  • Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and Debian 9:

    Open a shell and issue

sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd AnpanInstaller
chmod +x

If for any reason the install script has failed and you need to run it again, it may be a good idea to clean your home directory before doing that. You can do that by running the script

chmod +x

This script assumes that you downloaded and compiled anpan and pyrame in the default folder ($HOME).


  • v4.4 Install WagasciCalibration and WagasciMidas too
  • v4.3 Moved from Calicoes to ANPAN
  • v4.2 Added support for Debian 9
  • v4.1 Bugfix release
  • v4.0 Removed many useless packages.
  • v3.2 Compile MIDAS with CMake
  • v3.0 Install MIDAS
  • v2.0 Added support for CentOS 7 v1.0 First version


Copyright (C) 2018 Pintaudi Giorgio <giorgio-pintaudi-kx_AT_ynu_DOT_jp> is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with If not, see

Credits for the calicoes software and the original version of this script go to Frédéric Magniette and Miguel Rubio-Roy.