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πŸ”§ Confidently unit and integration test your Next.js API routes/handlers in an isolated Next.js-like environment with buttery-smooth DX


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Confidently test your Next.js API routes in an isolated Next-like environment

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Trying to unit test your Next.js API routes? Tired of hacking something together with express or node-mocks-http or writing a bunch of boring dummy infra just to get some passing tests? And what does a "passing test" mean anyway when your handlers aren't receiving actual NextRequest objects and aren't being run by Next.js itself?

Next.js patches the global fetch function, for instance. If your tests aren't doing the same, you're making space for bugs!

Is it vexing that everything explodes when your App Router handlers call headers() or cookies() or any of the other route-specific helper functions? Or maybe you want your Pages Router handlers to receive actual NextApiRequest and NextApiResponse objects?

Sound interesting? Then want no longer! 🀩

next-test-api-route-handler (NTARH) uses Next.js's internal resolvers to precisely emulate route handling. To guarantee stability, this package is automatically tested against each release of Next.js and Node.js. Go forth and test confidently!

✨ ✨

Note that App Router support begins with [email protected] (why?)


npm install --save-dev next-test-api-route-handler

See the appendix for legacy Next.js support options.

Also see the appendix if you're using jest and jest-environment-jsdom.



NTARH must always be the first import in your test file. This is due to the way Next.js is written and distributed. See the appendix for technical details.

// ESM
import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler'; // β—„ Must be first

... all other imports ...
// CJS
const { testApiHandler } = require('next-test-api-route-handler'); // β—„ Must be first

... all other imports ...

Quick Start: App Router

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler'; // β—„ Must be first import
// Import the handler under test from the app directory
import * as appHandler from '../app/your-endpoint/route';

it('does what I want', async () => {
  await testApiHandler({
    // requestPatcher is optional
    requestPatcher(request) {
      request.headers.set('key', process.env.SPECIAL_TOKEN);
    // responsePatcher is optional
    async responsePatcher(response) {
      const json = await response.json();
      return Response.json(
        json.apiSuccess ? { hello: 'world!' } : { goodbye: 'cruel world' }
    async test({ fetch }) {
      const res = await fetch({ method: 'POST', body: 'dummy-data' });
      await expect(res.json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({ hello: 'world!' }); // β—„ Passes!

Quick Start: Edge Runtime

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler'; // β—„ Must be first import
// Import the handler under test from the app directory
import * as edgeHandler from '../app/your-edge-endpoint/route';

it('does what I want', async function () {
  // NTARH supports optionally typed response data via TypeScript generics:
  await testApiHandler<{ success: boolean }>({
    // Only appHandler supports edge functions. The pagesHandler prop does not!
    appHandler: edgeHandler,
    // requestPatcher is optional
    requestPatcher(request) {
      return new Request(request, {
        body: dummyReadableStream,
        duplex: 'half'
    async test({ fetch }) {
      // The next line would cause TypeScript to complain:
      // const { luck: success } = await (await fetch()).json();
      await expect((await fetch()).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
        success: true // β—„ Passes!

Quick Start: Pages Router

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler'; // β—„ Must be first import
// Import the handler under test and its config from the pages/api directory
import * as pagesHandler from '../pages/api/your-endpoint';

it('does what I want', async () => {
  // NTARH supports optionally typed response data via TypeScript generics:
  await testApiHandler<{ hello: string }>({
    requestPatcher: (req) => {
      req.headers = { key: process.env.SPECIAL_TOKEN };
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      const res = await fetch({ method: 'POST', body: 'data' });
      // The next line would cause TypeScript to complain:
      // const { goodbye: hello } = await res.json();
      const { hello } = await res.json();
      expect(hello).toBe('world'); // β—„ Passes!


NTARH exports a single function, testApiHandler(options), that accepts an options object as its only parameter.

At minimum, options must contain the following properties:

  • At least one of the appHandler or pagesHandler options, but not both.
  • The test option.

For example:


Ensuring testApiHandler is imported before any Next.js package (like 'next/headers' below) is crucial to the proper function of NTARH. Doing otherwise will result in undefined behavior.

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
import { headers } from 'next/headers';

await testApiHandler({
  appHandler: {
    dynamic: 'force-dynamic',
    GET(_request) {
      return Response.json(
          // Yep, those fancy helper functions work too!
          hello: headers().get('x-hello')
        { status: 200 }
  async test({ fetch }) {
    await expect(
      (await fetch({ headers: { 'x-hello': 'world' } })).json()
      hello: 'world'


βͺ’ API reference: appHandler

The actual route handler under test (usually imported from app/*). It should be an object and/or exported module containing one or more valid uppercase HTTP method names as keys, each with an async handling function that accepts a NextRequest and a context (i.e. {Β paramsΒ }) as its two parameters. The object or module can also export other configuration settings recognized by Next.js.

await testApiHandler({
  params: { id: 5 },
  appHandler: {
    async POST(request, { params: { id } }) {
      return Response.json(
        { special: request.headers.get('x-special-header'), id },
        { status: 200 }
  async test({ fetch }) {
    expect((await fetch({ method: 'POST' })).status).toBe(200);

    const result2 = await fetch({
      method: 'POST',
      headers: { 'x-special-header': 'x' }

    expect(result2.json()).toStrictEqual({ special: 'x', id: 5 });

See also: rejectOnHandlerError and the section Working Around Next.js fetch Patching.


βͺ’ API reference: pagesHandler

The actual route handler under test (usually imported from pages/api/*). It should be an async function that accepts NextApiRequest and NextApiResponse objects as its two parameters.

await testApiHandler({
  params: { id: 5 },
  pagesHandler: (req, res) => res.status(200).send({ id: }),
  test: async ({ fetch }) =>
    expect((await fetch({ method: 'POST' })).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
      id: 5

See also: rejectOnHandlerError.


βͺ’ API reference: test

An async or promise-returning function wherein test assertions can be run. This function receives one destructured parameter: fetch, which is a wrapper around Node's global fetch function. Use this to send HTTP requests to the handler under test.


Note that fetch's resource parameter, i.e. the first parameter in fetch(...), is omitted.

βš™ Handling Redirections

Starting with version 4.0.4, NTARH sets the fetch(...) options parameter's redirect property to 'manual' by default. This prevents the WHATWG/undici fetch function from throwing a fetch failed/redirect count exceeded error.

If you want to change this value, call fetch with your own custom options parameter, e.g. fetch({ redirect: 'error' }).

βš™ Compatibility with Mock Service Worker

Starting with version 4.0.0, NTARH ships with Mock Service Worker (msw) support by adding the x-msw-intention: "bypass" and x-msw-bypass: "true" headers to all requests.

If necessary, you can override this behavior by setting the appropriate headers to some other value (e.g. "none") via fetch's customInit parameter (not requestPatcher). This comes in handy when testing functionality like arbitrary response redirection (or via the Pages Router).

For example:

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
import { http, passthrough, HttpResponse } from 'msw';
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node';

const server = setupServer(/* ... */);

beforeAll(() => server.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: 'error' }));

afterEach(() => {

afterAll(() => server.close());

it('redirects a shortened URL to the real URL', async () => {

  // e.g. =>
  // shortId would be "gg"
  // realLink would be

  const { shortId, realLink } = getUriEntry();
  const realUrl = new URL(realLink);

  await testApiHandler({
    params: { shortId },
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
        http.get('*', async ({ request }) => {
          return request.url === realUrl.href
            ? HttpResponse.json({ it: 'worked' }, { status: 200 })
            : passthrough();

      const res = await fetch({
        headers: { 'x-msw-intention': 'none' } // <==

      await expect(res.json()).resolves.toMatchObject({ it: 'worked' });

βš™ response.cookies

As of version 2.3.0, the response object returned by fetch() includes a non-standard cookies field containing an array of objects representing set-cookie response header(s) parsed by the cookie package. Use the cookies field to easily access a response's cookie data in your tests.

Here's an example taken straight from the unit tests:

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';

it('handles multiple set-cookie headers', async () => {

  await testApiHandler({
    pagesHandler: (_, res) => {
      // Multiple calls to setHeader('Set-Cookie', ...) overwrite previous, so
      // we have to set the Set-Cookie header properly
        .setHeader('Set-Cookie', [
          serializeCookieHeader('access_token', '1234', {
            expires: new Date()
          serializeCookieHeader('REFRESH_TOKEN', '5678')
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      expect((await fetch()).status).toBe(200);
      await expect((await fetch()).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({});
      expect((await fetch()).cookies).toStrictEqual([
          access_token: '1234',
          // Lowercased cookie property keys are available
          expires: expect.any(String),
          // Raw cookie property keys are also available
          Expires: expect.any(String)
        { refresh_token: '5678', REFRESH_TOKEN: '5678' }


βͺ’ API reference: rejectOnHandlerError

As of version 2.3.0, unhandled errors in the pagesHandler/appHandler function are kicked up to Next.js to handle.


This means testApiHandler will NOT reject or throw if an unhandled error occurs in pagesHandler/appHandler, which typically includes failing expect() assertions.

Instead, the response returned by fetch() in your test function will have a HTTPΒ 500 status thanks to how Next.js deals with unhandled errors in production. Prior to 2.3.0, NTARH's behavior on unhandled errors and elsewhere was inconsistent. Version 3.0.0 further improved error handling, ensuring no errors slip by uncaught.

To guard against false negatives, you can do either of the following:

  1. Make sure the status of the fetch() response is what you're expecting:
const res = await fetch();
// For this test, a 403 status is what we wanted
const res2 = await fetch();
// Later, we expect an "unhandled" error
  1. If you're using version >=3.0.0, you can use rejectOnHandlerError to tell NTARH to intercept unhandled handler errors and reject the promise returned by testApiHandler instead of relying on Next.js to respond with HTTPΒ 500. This is especially useful if you have expect() assertions inside your handler function:
await expect(
    rejectOnHandlerError: true, // <==
    pagesHandler: (_req, res) => {
      throw new Error('bad bad not good');
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      const res = await fetch();
      // By default, res.status would be 500...
  // ...but since we used rejectOnHandlerError, the whole promise rejects
  // instead
).rejects.toThrow('bad not good');

await testApiHandler({
  rejectOnHandlerError: true, // <==
  appHandler: {
    async GET(request) {
      // Suppose this expectation fails
      await expect(backend.getSomeStuff(request)).resolves.toStrictEqual(

      return new Response(null, { status: 200 });
  test: async ({ fetch }) => {
    await fetch();
    // By default, res.status would be 500 due to the failing expect(). If we
    // don't also expect() a non-500 response status here, the failing
    // expectation in the handler will be swallowed and the test will pass
    // (a false negative).
// ...but since we used rejectOnHandlerError, the whole promise rejects
// and it is reported that the test failed, which is probably what you wanted.

requestPatcher (url)


Manually setting the request url is usually unnecessary. Only set the url if your handler expects it or you want to rely on query string parsing instead of params/paramsPatcher.

πŸ’Ž Using appHandler

βͺ’ API reference: requestPatcher, url

requestPatcher is a function that receives a NextRequest object and returns a Request instance. Use this function to edit the request before it's injected into the handler.


Be wary returning a brand new request from requestPatcher (i.e. new NextRequest(newUrl) instead of new NextRequest(newUrl, oldRequest)), especially one that is missing standard headers added by fetch(...). If you're getting strange JSON-related errors or hanging tests, ensure this is not the cause.

The returned Request instance will be wrapped with NextRequest if it is not already an instance of NextRequest, i.e.:

const returnedRequest = (await requestPatcher?.(request)) || request;
const nextRequest = new NextRequest(returnedRequest, { ... });

If you're only setting the request url, use the url shorthand instead:

await testApiHandler({
  // requestPatcher: (request) => new Request('ntarh:///my-url?some=query', request),
  url: '/my-url?some=query'


Unlike the Pages Router's NextApiRequest type, the App Router's NextRequest class does not support relative URLs. Therefore, whenever you pass a relative url string via the url shorthand (e.g. { url: '/my-url?some=query' }), NTARH will wrap that url like so: new URL(url, 'ntarh://'). In this case, your requests will have urls like ntarh:///my-url?some=query.

URL Normalization

By default, when initializing the NextRequest object passed to your handler, if a URL with an empty pathname is encountered, NTARH sets said URL's pathname to "/" on your behalf. Additionally, if said URL is missing host and/or protocol, NTARH sets host to "" and protocol to "ntarh:".

If you want your handler to receive the URL string and resulting NextRequest::nextUrl object exactly as you've typed it, use requestPatcher, which is executed after NTARH does URL normalization.

πŸ”· Using pagesHandler

βͺ’ API reference: requestPatcher, url

requestPatcher is a function that receives an IncomingMessage. Use this function to modify the request before it's injected into Next.js's resolver.

If you're only setting the request url, use the url shorthand instead:

await testApiHandler({
  // requestPatcher: (req) => { req.url = '/my-url?some=query'; }
  url: '/my-url?some=query'

Note that, unlike with the URL class, the url string can be relative.


πŸ’Ž Using appHandler

βͺ’ API reference: responsePatcher

responsePatcher is a function that receives the Response object returned from appHandler and returns a Response instance. Use this function to edit the response after your handler runs but before it's processed by the server.

πŸ”· Using pagesHandler

βͺ’ API reference: responsePatcher

responsePatcher is a function that receives a ServerResponse object. Use this function to edit the response before it's injected into the handler.

paramsPatcher (params)

paramsPatcher is a function that receives an object representing "processed" dynamic segments (aka: routes, slugs).

For example, to test a handler normally accessible from /api/user/:id requires passing that handler a value for the "id" dynamic segment:

await testApiHandler({
  paramsPatcher(params) { = 'test-id';


await testApiHandler({
  paramsPatcher: (params) => ({ id: 'test-id' })

Parameters can also be passed using the params shorthand:

await testApiHandler({
  params: {
    id: 'test-id'


Due to its simplicity, favor the params shorthand over paramsPatcher.

πŸ’Ž Using appHandler

βͺ’ API reference: paramsPatcher, params


Note that, starting with next@15, it appears the params object passed to handlers via the context parameter is now a (Frankensteinian) promise. This means tests like expect(params).toStrictEqual(...) may no longer work unless params is first await-ed.

If both paramsPatcher and the params shorthand are used, paramsPatcher will receive params as its first argument.

Route parameters should not be confused with query string parameters, which are automatically parsed out from the url and made available via the NextRequest argument passed to your handler.

πŸ”· Using pagesHandler

βͺ’ API reference: paramsPatcher, params

If both paramsPatcher and the params shorthand are used, paramsPatcher will receive an object like {Β ...queryStringURLParams,Β ...paramsΒ } as its first argument.

Route parameters should not be confused with query string parameters, which are automatically parsed out from the url and added to the params object before paramsPatcher is evaluated.


What follows are several examples that demonstrate using NTARH with the App Router and the Pages Router.

Check out the tests for even more examples.

Using the App Router

These examples use Next.js's App Router API.

Testing Apollo's Official Next.js Integration @ app/api/graphql

This example is based on the official Apollo Next.js App Router integration. You can run it yourself by copying and pasting the following commands into your terminal.

The following should be run in a nix-like environment. On Windows, that's WSL. Requires curl, node, and git.

mkdir -p /tmp/ntarh-test/test
cd /tmp/ntarh-test
npm install --force next @apollo/server @as-integrations/next graphql-tag next-test-api-route-handler jest babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env
echo 'module.exports={presets:["@babel/preset-env"]};' > babel.config.js
mkdir -p app/api/graphql
curl -o app/api/graphql/route.js
curl -o test/integration.test.js
npx jest

This script creates a new temporary directory, installs NTARH and configures dependencies, downloads the app route and jest test files shown below, and runs the test using jest.

The following is our new app route:

/* File: app/api/graphql/route.js */

import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server';
import { startServerAndCreateNextHandler } from '@as-integrations/next';
import { gql } from 'graphql-tag';

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'world'

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Query {
    hello: String

const server = new ApolloServer({

const handler = startServerAndCreateNextHandler(server);

export { handler as GET, handler as POST };

And with the following jest test, we ensure our route integrates with Apollo correctly:

/* File: tests/integration.test.js */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
// Import the handler under test from the app/api directory
import * as appHandler from '../app/api/graphql/route';

describe('my-test (app router)', () => {
  it('does what I want 1', async () => {

    await testApiHandler({
      test: async ({ fetch }) => {
        const query = `query { hello }`;

        const res = await fetch({
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'content-type': 'application/json' // Must use correct content type
          body: JSON.stringify({ query })

        await expect(res.json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
          data: { hello: 'world' }

  it('does what I want 2', async () => {
    // Exactly the same as the above...

  it('does what I want 3', async () => {
    // Exactly the same as the above...

Testing Clerk's Official Next.js Integration @ app/api/authed

Suppose we created a new authenticated API endpoint at app/api/authed by cloning the Clerk App Router demo repo and following Clerk's quick-start guide for Next.js:

/* File: app/api/authed/route.ts */

import { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs';

export async function GET() {
  const { userId } = auth();
  return Response.json({ isAuthed: !!userId, userId });

How might we test that this endpoint functions as we expect?

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
import * as appHandler from '../app/api/authed/route';

import type { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs';

let mockedClerkAuthReturnValue: Partial<ReturnType<typeof auth>> | undefined =

jest.mock('@clerk/nextjs', () => {
  return {
    auth() {
      return mockedClerkAuthReturnValue;

afterEach(() => {
  mockedClerkAuthReturnValue = undefined;

it('returns isAuthed: true and a userId when authenticated', async () => {

  mockedClerkAuthReturnValue = { userId: 'winning' };

  await testApiHandler({
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      await expect((await fetch()).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
        isAuthed: true,
        userId: 'winning'

it('returns isAuthed: false and nothing else when unauthenticated', async () => {

  mockedClerkAuthReturnValue = { userId: null };

  await testApiHandler({
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      await expect((await fetch()).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
        isAuthed: false,
        userId: null

If you're feeling more adventurous, you can transform this unit test into an integration test (like the Apollo example above) by calling Clerk's authMiddleware function in appHandler instead of mocking @clerk/nextjs:

// This integration test also requires your Clerk dashboard is setup in test
// mode and your Clerk secret key information is available in process.env. Said
// information must be available BEFORE any Clerk packages are imported! You
// will also have to setup authMiddleware properly in ../middleware.ts

/* ... same imports as before ... */
// Also import our Next.js middleware
import { default as middleware } from '../middleware';
// And we want to keep our types as tight as we can too
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server';

const DUMMY_CLERK_USER_ID = 'user_2aqlGWnjdTRRbbBk9OdBHHbniyK';

it('returns isAuthed: true and a userId when authenticated', async () => {

  await testApiHandler({
    rejectOnHandlerError: true,
    // You may want to alter the default URL pathname like below if your Clerk
    // middleware is using path-based filtering. By default, the pathname
    // will always be '/' because 'ntarh://testApiHandler/' is the default url
    url: 'ntarh://app/api/authed',
    appHandler: {
      get GET() {
        return async function (...args: Parameters<typeof appHandler.GET>) {
          const request = as unknown as NextRequest;
          const middlewareResponse = await middleware(request, {
            /* ... */

          // Make sure we're not being redirected to the sign in page since
          // this is a publicly available endpoint

          const handlerResponse = await appHandler.GET(...args);

          // You could run some expectations here (since rejectOnHandlerError is
          // true), or you can run your remaining expectations in the test
          // function below. Either way is fine.

          return handlerResponse;
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      await expect((await fetch()).json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
        isAuthed: true,
        userId: DUMMY_CLERK_USER_ID

/* ... */

You can also try calling authMiddleware in requestPatcher; however, Clerk's middleware does its magic by importing the headers helper function from 'next/headers', and only functions invoked within appHandler have access to the storage context that allows Next.js's helper functions to work. For insight into what you'd need to do to make authMiddleware callable in requestPatcher, check out Clerk's own tests.

Testing an Unreliable Handler on the Edge @ app/api/unreliable

Suppose we have an API endpoint we use to test our application's error handling. The endpoint responds with status code HTTPΒ 200 for every request except the 10th, where status code HTTPΒ 555 is returned instead.

How might we test that this endpoint responds with HTTPΒ 555 once for every nine HTTPΒ 200 responses?

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
// Import the handler under test from the app/api directory
import * as edgeHandler from '../app/api/unreliable';

const expectedReqPerError = 10;

it('injects contrived errors at the required rate', async () => {

  // Signal to the edge endpoint (which is configurable) that there should be 1
  // error among every 10 requests
  process.env.REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = expectedReqPerError.toString();

  await testApiHandler({
    appHandler: edgeHandler,
    requestPatcher(request) {
      // Our edge handler expects Next.js to provide geo and ip data with the
      // request, so let's add some. This is also where you'd mock/emulate the
      // effects of any Next.js middleware
      // IMPORTANT: starting with next@15, geo/ip have been removed from
      // NextRequest and were functionally replaced by @vercel/function
      return new NextRequest(request, {
        geo: { city: 'Chicago', country: 'United States' },
        ip: ''
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      // Run 20 requests with REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '10' and
      // record the results
      const results1 = await Promise.all(
          ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() =>
            fetch({ method: 'GET' })
          fetch({ method: 'POST' }),
          ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() =>
            fetch({ method: 'PUT' })
          fetch({ method: 'DELETE' })
        ].map((p) => p.then((r) => r.status))

      process.env.REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '0';

      // Run 10 requests with REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '0' and record the
      // results
      const results2 = await Promise.all(
        Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError }).map(() =>
          fetch().then((r) => r.status)

      // We expect results1 to be an array with eighteen `200`s and two
      // `555`s in any order
      // because responses could be received out of order
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() => 200),
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() => 200),

      // We expect results2 to be an array with ten `200`s
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError }).map(() => 200)

Using the Pages Router

These examples use Next.js's Pages Router API.

Testing Next.js's Official Apollo Example @ pages/api/graphql

This example uses the official Next.js Apollo demo. You can easily run it yourself by copying and pasting the following commands into your terminal.

The following should be run in a nix-like environment. On Windows, that's WSL. Requires curl, node, and git.

git clone --depth=1 /tmp/ntarh-test
cd /tmp/ntarh-test/examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client
npm install --force
npm install --force next-test-api-route-handler jest babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env
# You could test with an older version of Next.js if you want, e.g.:
# npm install --force [email protected]
# Or even older:
# npm install --force [email protected] next-server
echo 'module.exports={presets:["@babel/preset-env"]};' > babel.config.js
mkdir test
curl -o test/integration.test.js
npx jest

This script clones the Next.js repository, installs NTARH and configures dependencies, downloads the jest test file shown below, and runs it using jest to ensure our route integrates with Apollo correctly.


Note that passing the route configuration object (imported below as config) through to NTARH and setting request.url to the proper value may be necessary when testing Apollo endpoints using the Pages Router.

/* File: examples/api-routes-apollo-server-and-client/tests/integration.test.js */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
// Import the handler under test from the pages/api directory
import * as pagesHandler from '../pages/api/graphql';

describe('my-test (pages router)', () => {
  it('does what I want 1', async () => {

    await testApiHandler({
      url: '/api/graphql', // Set the request url to the path graphql expects
      test: async ({ fetch }) => {
        const query = `query ViewerQuery {
          viewer {

        const res = await fetch({
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'content-type': 'application/json' // Must use correct content type
          body: JSON.stringify({ query })

        await expect(res.json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
          data: { viewer: { id: '1', name: 'John Smith', status: 'cached' } }

  it('does what I want 2', async () => {
    // Exactly the same as the above...

  it('does what I want 3', async () => {
    // Exactly the same as the above...

Testing an Authenticated Flight Search Handler @ pages/api/v3/flights/search

Suppose we have an authenticated API endpoint our application uses to search for flights. The endpoint responds with an array of flights satisfying the query.

How might we test that this endpoint returns flights in our database as expected?

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
import { DUMMY_API_KEY as KEY, getFlightData, RESULT_SIZE } from '../backend';
import * as pagesHandler from '../pages/api/v3/flights/search';

import type { PageConfig } from 'next';

it('returns expected public flights with respect to match', async () => {

  // Get the flight data currently in the test database
  const expectedFlights = getFlightData();

  // Take any JSON object and stringify it into a URL-ready string
  const encode = (o: Record<string, unknown>) =>

  // This function will return in order the URIs we're interested in testing
  // against our handler. Query strings are parsed by NTARH automatically.
  // NOTE: setting the request url manually using encode(), while valid, is
  // unnecessary here; we could have used `params` or `paramsPatcher` to do this
  // more easily without explicitly setting a dummy request url.
  // Example URI for `` would be `/path?param=yes`
  const genUrl = (function* () {
    // For example, the first should match all the flights from Spirit airlines!
    yield `/?match=${encode({ airline: 'Spirit' })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ type: 'departure' })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ landingAt: 'F1A' })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ seatPrice: 500 })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ seatPrice: { $gt: 500 } })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ seatPrice: { $gte: 500 } })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ seatPrice: { $lt: 500 } })}`;
    yield `/?match=${encode({ seatPrice: { $lte: 500 } })}`;

  await testApiHandler({
    // Patch the request object to include our dummy URI
    requestPatcher: (req) => {
      req.url = || undefined;
      // Could have done this instead of `fetch({ headers: { KEY }})` below:
      // req.headers = { KEY };


    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      // 8 URLs from genUrl means 8 calls to fetch:
      const responses = await Promise.all(
        Array.from({ length: 8 }).map(() =>
          fetch({ headers: { KEY } }).then(async (r) => [
            await r.json()

      // We expect all of the responses to be 200
      expect(responses.some(([status]) => status !== 200)).toBe(false);

      // We expect the array of flights returned to match our
      // expectations given we already know what dummy data will be
      // returned:

      // because responses could be received out of order
      expect([, r]) =>[
          .filter((f) => f.airline === 'Spirit')
          .slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
          .filter((f) => f.type === 'departure')
          .slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
          .filter((f) => f.landingAt === 'F1A')
          .slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
          .filter((f) => f.seatPrice === 500)
          .slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
        expectedFlights.filter((f) => f.seatPrice > 500).slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
        expectedFlights.filter((f) => f.seatPrice >= 500).slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
        expectedFlights.filter((f) => f.seatPrice < 500).slice(0, RESULT_SIZE),
        expectedFlights.filter((f) => f.seatPrice <= 500).slice(0, RESULT_SIZE)

  // We expect these two to fail with 400 errors

  await testApiHandler({
    url: `/?match=${encode({ ffms: { $eq: 500 } })}`,
    test: async ({ fetch }) =>
      expect((await fetch({ headers: { KEY } })).status).toBe(400)

  await testApiHandler({
    url: `/?match=${encode({ bad: 500 })}`,
    test: async ({ fetch }) =>
      expect((await fetch({ headers: { KEY } })).status).toBe(400)

Testing an Unreliable Handler @ pages/api/unreliable

Suppose we have an API endpoint we use to test our application's error handling. The endpoint responds with status code HTTPΒ 200 for every request except the 10th, where status code HTTPΒ 555 is returned instead.

How might we test that this endpoint responds with HTTPΒ 555 once for every nine HTTPΒ 200 responses?

/* File: test/unit.test.ts */

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';
// Import the handler under test from the pages/api directory
import * as pagesHandler from '../pages/api/unreliable';

const expectedReqPerError = 10;

it('injects contrived errors at the required rate', async () => {

  // Signal to the endpoint (which is configurable) that there should be 1
  // error among every 10 requests
  process.env.REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = expectedReqPerError.toString();

  await testApiHandler({
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      // Run 20 requests with REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '10' and
      // record the results
      const results1 = await Promise.all(
          ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() =>
            fetch({ method: 'GET' })
          fetch({ method: 'POST' }),
          ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() =>
            fetch({ method: 'PUT' })
          fetch({ method: 'DELETE' })
        ].map((p) => p.then((r) => r.status))

      process.env.REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '0';

      // Run 10 requests with REQUESTS_PER_CONTRIVED_ERROR = '0' and record the
      // results
      const results2 = await Promise.all(
        Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError }).map(() =>
          fetch().then((r) => r.status)

      // We expect results1 to be an array with eighteen `200`s and two
      // `555`s in any order
      // because responses could be received out of order
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() => 200),
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError - 1 }).map(() => 200),

      // We expect results2 to be an array with ten `200`s
        ...Array.from({ length: expectedReqPerError }).map(() => 200)


Further documentation can be found under docs/.

Limitations with App Router and Edge Runtime Emulation

Since NTARH is meant for unit testing API routes rather than faithfully recreating Next.js functionality, NTARH's feature set comes with some caveats. Namely: no Next.js features will be available that are external to processing API routes and executing their handlers. This includes middleware and (see requestPatcher if you need to mutate the Request before it gets to the handler under test), metadata, static assets, OpenTelemetry and instrumentation, caching, styling, server actions and mutations, helper functions (except: cookies, fetch (global), headers, NextRequest, NextResponse, notFound, permanentRedirect, redirect, and userAgent), and anything related to React or components.

NTARH is for testing your API route handlers only.

Further, any support NTARH appears to have for any "edge runtime" (or any other runtime) beyond what is provided by AppRouteRouteModule is merely cosmetic. Your tests will always run in Node.js (or your runner of choice) and never in a different runtime, realm, or VM. This means unit testing like with NTARH must be done in addition to, and not in lieu of, more holistic testing practices (e.g. end-to-end).

If you're having trouble with your App Router and/or Edge Runtime routes, consider opening a new issue!

Also note that Next.js's middleware only supports the Edge runtime, even if the Next.js application is being run entirely by Node.js. This is an artificial constraint imposed by Next.js; when running the middleware locally (via npm run dev or something similar), the middleware will still run on Node.js.

Next.js's middleware limitation is discussed at length here.

Working around the App Router Patching the Global fetch Function

Next.js's current App Router implementation mutates the global fetch function, redefining it entirely. This can cause problems in testing environments where the global fetch is to be mocked by something else.

Internally, NTARH sidesteps this issue entirely by caching the value of globalThis.fetch upon import. This also means NTARH completely sidesteps other tools that rely on interception through rewriting the global fetch function, such as Mock Service Worker (MSW). We still include the MSW bypass headers with NTARH requests since we cannot guarantee that NTARH will not be imported after MSW has finished patching global fetch.

Similarly, it is impossible for NTARH to meaningfully track mutations to the global fetch function; NTARH cannot tell the difference between Next.js overwriting fetch and, say, a Jest spy overwriting fetch. Therefore, NTARH does not restore the cached fetch after the function returns.

If Next.js's patching of fetch is causing trouble for you, you can do what NTARH does: capture the current global fetch (perhaps after setting up MSW) and then restore it after each test:

const originalGlobalFetch = fetch;

afterEach(function () {
  // Undo what Next.js does to the global fetch function
  globalThis.fetch = originalGlobalFetch;

Working around Global AsyncLocalStorage Availability

AppRouteRouteModule and its dependents want AsyncLocalStorage to be available globally and immediately. Unfortunately, Node.js does not place AsyncLocalStorage in globalThis natively.

NTARH handles this by ensuring AsyncLocalStorage is added to globalThis before Next.js needs it. This is why NTARH should always be the very first import in any test file.

Legacy Runtime Support

As of version 4.0.0, NTARH supports both the App Router (for next@>=14.0.4) and the "legacy" Pages Router Next.js APIs. However, due to the code churn with next@13, NTARH's support for the App Router begins at [email protected]. See here and here for more information.

Additionally, as of version 2.1.0, NTARH's Pages Router support is fully backwards compatible with Next.js going allll the way back to [email protected] when API routes were first introduced!

If you're working with the Pages Router and next@<9.0.6 (so: before next-server was merged into next), you might need to install next-server manually:

npm install --save-dev next-server

Similarly, if you are using npm@<7 or node@<15, you must install Next.js and its peer dependencies manually. This is because npm@<7 does not install peer dependencies by default.

npm install --save-dev next@latest react

If you're also using an older version of Next.js, ensure you install the peer dependencies (like react) that your specific Next.js version requires!

Jsdom Support

Note that jsdom does not support global fetch natively. This should not be an issue, however, since neither your API code nor your API test code should be executed in a browser-like environment.

For projects configured to use jsdom by default, you can use an annotation to switch environments only in the files housing your API tests:

 * @jest-environment node
// ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆

import { testApiHandler } from 'next-test-api-route-handler';

test('use the node test environment for all tests in this file', () => {

If you're dead set on using jsdom over the node testing environment with NTARH, see here and here for workarounds.


I'm constantly creating things with Next.js. Most of these applications have a major API component. Unfortunately, Next.js doesn't make unit testing your APIs very easy. After a while, I noticed some conventions forming around how I liked to test my APIs and NTARH was born πŸ™‚

Of course, this all was back before the app router or edge routes existed. NTARH got app router and edge route support in version 4.

My hope is that NTARH gets obsoleted because Vercel provided developers with some officially supported tooling/hooks for lightweight route execution where handlers are passed fully initialized instances of NextRequest/NextResponse/NextApiRequest/NextApiResponse without ballooning the execution time of the tests. That is: no spinning up the entire Next.js runtime just to run a single test in isolation.

It doesn't seem like it'd be such a lift to surface a wrapped version of the Pages Router's apiResolver function and a pared-down subclass of the App Router's AppRouteRouteModule, both accessible with something like import { ... } from 'next/test'. This is essentially what NTARH does.

History: The Very Very First Version of Ntarh

Was looking over some ancient Next.js projects and found some of the very first versions of what would eventually become NTARH. My inner code hoarder requires I note this code's existence somewhere.

Oh how far we've come πŸ™‚

alt text

Published Package Details

This is a CJS2 package with statically-analyzable exports built by Babel for Node.js versions that are not end-of-life. For TypeScript users, this package supports both "Node10" and "Node16" module resolution strategies.

Expand details

That means both CJS2 (via require(...)) and ESM (via import { ... } from ... or await import(...)) source will load this package from the same entry points when using Node. This has several benefits, the foremost being: less code shipped/smaller package size, avoiding dual package hazard entirely, distributables are not packed/bundled/uglified, a drastically less complex build process, and CJS consumers aren't shafted.

Each entry point (i.e. ENTRY) in package.json's exports[ENTRY] object includes one or more export conditions. These entries may or may not include: an exports[ENTRY].types condition pointing to a type declarations file for TypeScript and IDEs, an exports[ENTRY].module condition pointing to (usually ESM) source for Webpack/Rollup, an exports[ENTRY].node condition pointing to (usually CJS2) source for Node.js require and import, an exports[ENTRY].default condition pointing to source for browsers and other environments, and other conditions not enumerated here. Check the package.json file to see which export conditions are supported.

Though package.json includes { "type": "commonjs" }, note that any ESM-only entry points will be ES module (.mjs) files. Finally, package.json also includes the sideEffects key, which is false for optimal tree shaking where appropriate.



Contributing and Support

New issues and pull requests are always welcome and greatly appreciated! 🀩 Just as well, you can star 🌟 this project to let me know you found it useful! ✊🏿 Or you could buy me a beer πŸ₯Ί Thank you!

See and for more information.


All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


πŸš‡ πŸ’» πŸ“– 🚧 ⚠️ πŸ‘€
Kevin Jennison
Kevin Jennison


Valentin Hervieu
Valentin Hervieu

πŸ’» πŸ€” πŸ”¬ ⚠️
Dana Woodman
Dana Woodman


Prakhar Shukla
Prakhar Shukla

Jake Jones
Jake Jones

πŸ› πŸ€” πŸ”¬
Diego Esclapez
Diego Esclapez


Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker

Adrian Kriegel
Adrian Kriegel


πŸ› πŸ”¬ πŸ€” πŸ’‘
Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor

Will Nixon
Will Nixon

πŸ› πŸ”¬
Sebastien Powell
Sebastien Powell

Hajin Lim
Hajin Lim


Jan Hesters
Jan Hesters

Bence Somogyi
Bence Somogyi

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”¬ ⚠️

Jaakko Jokinen
Jaakko Jokinen

πŸ› πŸ”¬ πŸ€”
Arun Sathiya
Arun Sathiya

πŸ”¬ πŸ’»
Scott Symmank
Scott Symmank

πŸ”¬ πŸ›
Matias De Carli
Matias De Carli

Xing Xiang
Xing Xiang

Kaarle JΓ€rvinen
Kaarle JΓ€rvinen

Rory Ou
Rory Ou

πŸ› πŸ”¬ πŸ“–
Shinji Nakamatsu
Shinji Nakamatsu

πŸ“– πŸ› πŸ”¬
David Mytton
David Mytton

πŸ”¬ πŸ› πŸ”£

Ross Wilson
Ross Wilson

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”¬ πŸ€”

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”¬ πŸ€”

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”¬
David Heidrich
David Heidrich

πŸ› πŸ’» πŸ”¬

Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!