sc_app -c <command> [-t <target> [-v <value>]]
<command> -
version - version and build information
board - name of the board
reset - apply power-on-reset
listfeature - list the supported features for this board
listeeprom - list the supported EEPROM targets
geteeprom - get the content of <target> EEPROM for either <value>:
'summary', 'all', 'common', 'board', or 'multirecord'
listtemp - list the supported temperature sensor targets
gettemp - get the reading of <target> temperature sensor
listbootmode - list the supported boot mode targets
getbootmode - get boot mode, with optional <value> of 'alternate'
setbootmode - set boot mode to <target>, with optional <value> of 'alternate'
listclock - list the supported clock targets
getclock - get the frequency of <target>
getmeasuredclock - get the measured frequency of <target>
setclock - set <target> to <value> frequency
setbootclock - set <target> to <value> frequency at boot time
restoreclock - restore <target> to default value
listvoltage - list the supported voltage targets
getvoltage - get the voltage of <target>, with optional <value> of 'all'
setvoltage - set <target> to <value> volts
setbootvoltage - set <target> to <value> volts at boot time
restorevoltage - restore <target> to default value
listpower - list the supported power targets
getpower - get the voltage, current, and power of <target>
getcalpower - get the voltage, current, and power of custom calibrated <target>
getINA226 - get the content of <target> registers
setINA226 - set the 'Configuration', 'Calibration', 'Mask/Enable', and
'Alert Limit' registers of <target> to <value>
listpowerdomain - list the supported power domain targets
powerdomain - get the power used by <target> power domain
listworkaround - list the applicable workaround targets
workaround - apply <target> workaround (may requires <value>)
listBIT - list the supported Board Interface Test targets
describeBIT - describe BIT for <target>
BIT - run BIT target
listddr - list the supported DDR DIMM targets
getddr - get <target> DDR DIMM information for either <value>:
'spd' or 'temp'
listgpio - list the supported gpio line targets
getgpio - get the state of <target> gpio
setgpio - set the state of <target> gpio to <value>
listioexp - list the supported IO expander targets
getioexp - get the state of <target> IO expander for either <value>:
'all', 'input', or 'output'
setdirioexp - set direction of <target> IO expander to <value>
setoutioexp - set output of <target> IO expander to <value>
restoreioexp - restore IO expander to default values
listSFP - list the plugged SFP transceiver targets
getSFP - get the transceiver information of <target> SFP
listEBM - list the plugged EBM daughter card targets
getEBM - get the content of EEPROM on <target> EBM card for either <value>:
'all', 'common', 'board', or 'multirecord'
listFMC - list the plugged FMCs
listFMCvoltage - list power rail and voltage levels supported for FMCs
getFMC - get the content of EEPROM on <target> FMC for either <value>:
'all', 'common', 'board', or 'multirecord'
loadPDI - load <target> PDI to Versal
setbootPDI - set <target> PDI to be loaded to Versal at boot time
resetbootPDI - remove any boot PDI that has been set
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