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This is a Final Project repository for PDB subject, for doing sentiment analysis on twitter data streams to find iut public reaction to the latest films

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Sentiment Analysis on Tweet Data - Python, Pandas, PySpark, Kafka

PDB Subject Project

This is a Final Project repository for Pengolahan Data Besar subject, doing sentiment analysis on twitter data streams to find iut public reaction to the latest films, we are using Twitter API for pull the tweet into Kafka, and send it to Spark for sentiment analysis.


  1. Twitter API
  2. Apache Spark 3.3.0
  3. Confluent Kafka 7.3.0
  4. Python 3.10.6

How to run?

  1. Installing Docker Desktop install docker on your windows, i won't explain it here
  2. Launching Apache Kafka via a Docker container You should start the docker container for launching the Kafka by entering these command docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml up -d and make sure the Docker is running by see the status docker-compose -f zk-single-kafka-single.yml ps
  3. Start your Kafka service You can start using Kafka by entering this command docker exec -it kafka1 /bin/bash. After that, you can start your Kafka command such like create, describe the Kafka topics, and use producer to inegst the tweet into the topic, and also send it to the consumer.
  4. Create an Kafka Topic Before you run your real-time sentiment analysis tweet, you should create a topic first. You can create a topic by run this command kafka-topics --create --topic twitter --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  5. Run a producer to get streaming tweet Make sure you have changed the search_term for your own analysis, you can start streaming the Twitter data by run the (python
  6. Time for explode your console This is the last step, you can run the consumer.ipynb for start streaming the data from the topic created before to the Spark for sentiment analysis. *Note: You can save the result locally by executing the consumer_local.ipynb, it will generate the JSON file that contains the clean tweet and also with the sentiment analysis.

Untuk pengembangan berikutnya

Sebelum finalisasi, kami berpikir bahwa data yang sudah dilakukan sentimen analisis secara real-time dari data streaming Twitter ini bisa divisualisasikan secara otomatis juga dengan cara menggunakan Apache Airflow untuk diintegrasikan dengan Tableau/PowerBI, serta data yang disimpan di dalam topic Kafka lebih baik disimpan ke dalam HDFS secara otomatis dengan menjadikan HDFS sebagai consumer atau menggunakan library pydoop, snakebite, hdfs.


This is a Final Project repository for PDB subject, for doing sentiment analysis on twitter data streams to find iut public reaction to the latest films






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