Chipkizi is a recorder app for vocal artists. Chipkizi allows vocal artists the likes of singers, poets, musicians, spoken word artists, motivational speakers and public speakers to share their amazing artworks with their fans. Chipkizi also allows those who are seeking for new talent to be able to be able to explore artworks shared by artists.
Artworks Timeline: The timeline section shows a list of all shared artworks based on time from the most recently shared to the oldest. Users can browse through artworks that have been shared by creators. Users can also listen to these artworks on the player within the app featured with player controls.
Player: The player pager lets users play the recordings shared and listen to them. The player page also loads up a list of all the recordings based on context. Users can also save their favorite artworks to listen to later and can support creators by upvoting their artworks. The artworks that users bookmark and upvote get their own managable list on the user's profile page under the Me section. The user can also share recordings to other app from within the player page.
Me (My profile): On the my profile page users can change their profile images, and easily edit their username and bio. Users can also find lists of their own Recordings unser the My Recordings view, the bookmarks under Bookmarks and their favorites artworks under the Favorites view.
Recorder page: The recorder page allows any user that is logged in to record their own artworks, add details to it and upload it.