Datalane is a high performance RPC/IPC library for C/C++ (and others if wrapper code is written). It is capable of very high throughput with next to no overhead.
It simply started with the problem that current solutions are simply too slow. They are all designed for asynchronous workloads, but my workload was 99% synchronous. So it was either attempt to make the workload somehow asynchronous and deal with the latency, or find a way to make a faster synchronous RPC/IPC library.
And I chose the latter, because I wanted to explore the actual possibilities of the OS/Kernel I am working with. After all, programming is an endless task of learning new things and attempts at improving the current situation. So here we are.
CMake is one of the best tools I have worked with on Windows and Linux. It works out of the box and configuring is really easy compared to make or MSBuild.
Yes! I offer commercial licenses for closed-source applications that are valid for a year, or endlessly if code improvements are backported into the open-source library itself. Please contact me at [email protected] for more info.
This library is licensed under GPLv2 (or later). See the LICENSE file for more info.