Sandbox v5.1.0
Decided it's time for a release. This is the first one I've done. Let me know if there are issues.
These files should be placed in your scripts directory in your Empty Epsilon install. They should not conflict with any other standard Empty Epsilon files. They are designed to be run with the vanilla stable Empty Epsilon release version 2021.06.23.
I don't know how often there will be an "official" release. I'm just doing this one to experiment with the github release functionality since I'm not familiar with it. You can always download the files directly from the repository to get the latest version.
Version number meanings:
- First digit: (the 5 in 5.1.0 for example)
- A new region has been added or there was some kind of major revision.
- Example: in version 5 vs. version 4, the Bask region was added.
- A new region has been added or there was some kind of major revision.
- Second digit (the 1 in 5.1.0 for example)
- Some kind of functionality was changed
- Example: in version 5.1.0 vs 5.0.0, the function to add arbitrary cargo to the player ship was added
- Some kind of functionality was changed
- Third digit (the 0 in 5.1.0)
- Something changed in one or more regions
- Example: in version 4.2.4 vs 4.2.3, several default player ships were swapped out since they were destroyed during the Saturday gaming session.
- Something changed in one or more regions