Releases: XDjackieXD/OpenRadio
1.11.2 release
Identical features as 0.9.4 but for Minecraft 1.11.2.
Now requires at least Open Computers MC1.11.2-1.7 and Actually Additions API version 33 for Integration (compiled against 1.11.2-r110).
There shouldn't be any major bugs but as always please report any bug you find in the issue tracker.
Fix Actually Additions version detection
Because Java compiles "Integer.parseInt(ActuallyAdditionsAPI.API_VERSION)" to "if(Integer.parseInt("28") >= Init.minActAddVersion)" which causes Minecraft to crash when using an older Actually Additions version >.>
Fix Actually Additions integration (again)
This version fixes Actually Additions integration to use the new Booklet API provided.
requires ActAdd API version >=28 (ActAdd unstable r71-260 or higher).
Fix Actually Additions integration
Now requires ActuallyAdditions r68 or high for its integration to be active.
ActAdd integration
This update allows you to use the lasers to connect Actually Additions Laser Relays.
Redirection Cubes (2nd try :P)
Redirection Cubes are actually useful now!
Also fixed a pretty annoying bug with Lasers not working if they have any upgrade or transparent block directly in front of them (sry to whoever reported this to me on IRC. I couldn't reproduce it back then because I didn't understand what you ment ._.).
Redirection Cubes
Added the "Discouragement Redirection Cube" (totally not a Portal reference...) that allows redirection of laser beams at a penalty of 8 blocks less distance.
(don't use this. the redirection cube is pretty much useless in this version...)
TileEntity ID hotfix
When I first started writing this mod a small mistake found it's way into the code making the laser tile id "laser" instead of "openradio:laser" which breaks if any other mod also does this...
So here is the fix for it!
(It also fixes getting lit on fire when standing in front of an laser in creative mode)
Colorful lasers & damage
Lasers now have the appropriate beam colors and the two stronger ones do damage now (including custom death messages)
1.9.4 Update
0.7.1 Version numbering derp...