The DvrRecorderControl module for Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software controls which streams get recorded by Wowza nDVR recorder.
This repo includes a compiled version.
Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0.0 or later is required.
This module provides the following functionality:
- Allowlist which streams will be recorded.
- Blocklist which streams should not be recorded.
- Use of wildcards for multiple streams.
Wowza Streaming Engine Server-Side API Reference
How to extend Wowza Streaming Engine using the Wowza IDE
Wowza Media Systems™ provides developers with a platform to create streaming applications and solutions. See Wowza Developer Tools to learn more about our APIs and SDK.
To use the compiled version of this module, see Control which streams get recorded by the nDVR recorder with a Wowza Streaming Engine Java module.
This code is distributed under the Wowza Public License.