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A Typescript re-implementation of RelFinder: A tool to show relations between entities in a RDF gnowledge graph


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Relfinder Reformed API

Artifact Hub

What does it do ?

This nestjs API is here to replace Relfinder. It queries the graphs from a RDF database, in order to show relations between two RDF entities.

How does it work ?

When a request is sent on the /relfinder/{depth}, the API fetches a subgraph from the database. It then applies the Kosaraju Algorithm and factorize all the Strongly Connected Components (SCCs) into a single node, this helps on larger graphs. Finally a pathfinding algorithm runs to find a path between the two entities. steps of RFR

Frontend is here


npm i -g @nestjs/cli

git clone [email protected]:WoodenMaiden/RelfinderReformedAPI.git
cd RelfinderReformedAPI
npm i


export ENV_VARIABLE=somevalue
export ENV_VARIABLE2=somevalue
export ENV_VARIABLE3=somevalue
npm run [start:dev | start:debug | start:prod]

with Dockerfile

docker build -t relfinderreformedapi .
# or from the hub
docker pull

docker run [-e ENV_VARS=values] relfinder_reformed

Env variables


Arrays of strings are to be separated by a space.

Environment Variable Type Description Required Default value
SPARQL_ADDRESS string(url) Address of SPARQL endpoint
LOG_LEVEL string, one of: verbose debug warn error log The log verbosity error
API_PREFIX string The prefix to use for the API api
PORT integer Port to listen on 3000
INCLUDED_GRAPHS string[] Defines graphs to select from in queries
EXCLUDED_CLASSES string[] Defines classes to exclude from in queries
EXCLUDED_NAMESPACES string[] Defines namespaces to exclude from in queries
LABEL_STORE_URL string An optionnal connection URL to a database storing labels. This comes in handy in larger datasets
LABEL_STORE_TOKEN string An API token to use to connect to the label store if needed (ElasticSearch for instance)
HTTPS_KEY_FILE string SSL private key file location
HTTPS_CERT_FILE string SSL public certificate file location

Label stores

You might want users to have an URI from a label as they might not know URIS. However as your dataset gets larger and larger you would like to keep this extra query quick. This is where label stores come in handy.

By default, if none is provided via the LABEL_STORE_URL environment variable, the API will query the entire triplestore to find URI's from a label. This is not efficient and can be slow on large datasets. A label store is a database in which you store your labels and their corresponding URI's. This allows to gain time when querying for labels, and it weight off load on your triplestore.

Supported databases

Since the amount of text to pe processed is still large, you might want to use a dedicated database implementing full text search. Supported databases are:

Relationnal databases supported by Sequelize:

  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

An others like:

  • ElasticSearch

Here is a nice video to explain what full text search is

Relationnal databases

The table labels will contain both the label and the URI. Sequelize automatically creates the table if it does not exists.

However, concrete implementation will change between DBMS.

MariaDB / MySQL

-- The full text search happens thanks to the MATCH() AGAINST() function...
  -- ... however MariaDB/MySQL cannot have a text column as a Primary key as it must have a length
  -- So we use a char(36) column as a primary key
  `id` char(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
  `label` text NOT NULL,
  `uri` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `FT_SEARCH` (`label`,`uri`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;


-- How this works:

-- The search column is a generated column that contains the concatenation of the label and the uri, and is indexed using a GIN index.
-- Every time we query with full-text-search, search column is used.
  "label" text NOT NULL,
  uri text NOT NULL,
  "search" TSVECTOR NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, (label || ' '::text) || uri)) STORED,
  CONSTRAINT labels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (label, uri)
CREATE INDEX "IDX_SEARCH" ON public.labels USING gin (search);

Other databases


Here is the mapping you should put in the labels index:

  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "label": {
        "type": "text"
      "uri": {
        "type": "text"


In ES queries, label get double the score of uri. This is to make sure that if a label is present in the database, it will be returned first.


A Typescript re-implementation of RelFinder: A tool to show relations between entities in a RDF gnowledge graph






