BuckleScript binding for graphql-js.
Since you can only have one instance type of graphql schema in your dependency tree, we leave you the discretion of managing the graphql package yourself.
npm install --save graphql bs-graphql
# or
yarn add graphql bs-graphql
As always, you will need to indicate to BuckleScript that the binding is available.
"bs-dependencies": [
WARNING: This package has been published so far with the only goal of being usable for simple graphql server development. For now, you can only count on
functions alongside a sugared call tographql
. You are obviously welcome to contribute any other missing part!
You can use this binding to build and execute some simple GraphQL schemas:
let schema = GraphQL.Utilities.buildSchema "type Query { me: User } type User { name: String }";
let rootValue = {"me": fun () => {"name": "reason"}};
Js.log (GraphQL.run schema ::rootValue "{ me { name } }");