5.0.9 Stable Release
More fixes and translation updates.
As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.
To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here: https://github.com/WoD5E-Developers/wod5e/releases/download/5.0.9/system.json
Or, if you already had an old version of the WOD5E system installed, just click the update button and everything should (should) update smoothly!
5.0.9 Changelog
From a player's side
- Translation updates for Italian Arcadio21
- Translation updates for French CptCereb
- Translation updates for German LorduFreeman
- Fixed the macro textbox background in dark themes Veilza
- Fixed the boon item type not showing up on the sheet Veilza
- Some styling adjustments for the Biography page Veilza
- Fixed an issue where the "x Rouse Checks" button wouldn't perform potency rerolls Veilza
- Russian localization updates IHappyEndI
- Fixed an issue where mental and social effect keys were accidentally applying to physical stats instead Veilza
- Fixed an issue where if either General Difficulty value was null, the migration script wouldn't update the values Veilza