5.0.0 Prerelease 5.1
Pre-releaseFollowup to Prerelease 5 to fix some various issues
Prerelease Notice
If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.
If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.
As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.
To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here: https://github.com/WoD5E-Developers/wod5e/releases/download/5.0.0-prerelease5.1/system.json
5.0.0 Prerelease 5.1 Changelog
From a player's side
- Fixed an issue where the removal button on custom modifiers wasn't working Veilza
- Updated conditions to be delete-able when the sheet is locked Veilza
- Fix some saturation issues with icon hovering Veilza
- Fixed the Roll Data to Dicepools migration script to migrate world items and compendium pack items Veilza
- Fix some selectors not applying correctly Veilza
- Switch terminology from "Bonuses" to "Modifiers" Veilza
- Re-added the "Modifiers" tab to Conditions Veilza
- Add physical, mental and social selectors to modifiers Veilza
- Add a new Conditions compendium pack with Health and Willpower impairments set up Veilza
- Fixed physical/mental/social modifiers not applying on attribute+attribute rolls Veilza
- Fixed various issues with submitting actor data that was causing some data not to update properly Veilza
- Re-add touchstones to the Werewolf sheet Veilza
- Fixed feature and weapon type dropdowns not working Veilza
- Updated gifts to show Renown/Gift type selectors in the Settings tab Veilza
From a developer's side
- Fixed an issue where the condition item wouldn't call the base render function Veilza