5.0.0 Prerelease 5
Pre-releasePrerelease 5 is the last prerelease before the official 5.0 comes out at the end of the month! Conditions are finally here, as well as a much-requested way to select selectors instead of having to manually type "skills.athletics", now all you have to do is search and select "Athletics" from the dropdown list! And it supports localization!
Prerelease Notice
If you don't wanna test out prerelease stuff, then don't! This version is for those who want to play around and help give feedback on the new stuff I've been working on. Over the next month there'll be a lot more additions and refinements, so if you want to wait for something more stable, stay on the current stable release.
If you still want to test out this prerelease, then great! Do make a backup before you use it in any existing worlds. If you find any issues with this prerelease, please do go into the issues tab and make an issue! Make sure to label it with "Prerelease Feedback" so I know it's an issue with the current prerelease and not the live version.
As always, if you have any issues, then please feel free to submit an issue.
To install this release, please use the manifest URL provided here: https://github.com/WoD5E-Developers/wod5e/releases/download/5.0.0-prerelease5/system.json
5.0.0 Prerelease 5 Changelog
From a player's side
- Fixed the Show Artwork buttons not appearing sometimes Veilza
- Fixed General Difficulty to double the dicepool on a roll as per the rules Veilza
- Disable Vampire Revised font for non-English languages Veilza
- Fix label on the actor type banners Veilza
- Add a new actor sheet setting to allow input fields for stats Veilza
- Fixed the height of the main body of sheets Veilza
- Add support for pulling bonuses from items in a more consistent way Veilza
- Update Italian translations Arcadio21
- Fixed an issue where non-splat rolls would get converted to Mortal dice Veilza
- Fixed Blood Surge applying to too many things Veilza
- Allow the search lookup of selectors Veilza
- Fixed items not pulling the gamesystem from actors when embedded Veilza
- Added functionality to Conditions and the SPC Traits item types Veilza
- Fixed some wrong strings for Quantity in item sheets Veilza
- Add new Pack details from Shattered Nation Veilza
- Add a Blood Potency input field to the Vampire SPC sheet Veilza
- Fixed a TextEditor issue that would cause sheets to not rerender power pages Veilza
- Fixed an issue where trying to willpower reroll a message created in chat would fail Veilza
- Undid previous changes to the logos in favour of adding contrast via drop-shadow filter Veilza
- Added an option to resist or give into Vampire Frenzy Veilza
- Added the ability to use right click to clear the state on a square counter Veilza
- Fixed an issue where Disciplines and Boons couldn't be added to Ghoul sheets Veilza
- Fixed an issue where dot counters could show wrong values Veilza
- Added a collapse toggle for chat messages Veilza