This is an archive of Scratch program files from Scratch 0.1 (2003) to Scratch 2.0 (2013), as well as NetScratch, a tested, but never officially released, version of Scratch with "shariables", or variables stored on a NetScratchServer, also available for download here. This archive also contains some non-Scratch (but Scratch-like) programs, such as BYOB (aka Build Your Own Blocks or Snap!) 3.1.3 and 2.0, Panther 1.0, and Streak (1.3) 0.01. These images also need a Squeak runtime engine, which can be found here: To use a Scratch version or mod, go to the link, and drag-and-drop the .image file of the Scratch version/mod. Then, to launch it, go to, and replace "thenameoftheimagefile" with the name of the Scratch version/mod. If you get any errors, click "Abandon" on them. I also have a tutorial how to use and install Scratch 0.1 and 0.2 here: I have also included a special version of Scratch 1.4 designed to run purely on the Raspberry Pi called GPIO Scratch. For more info, see the "About Scratch" file in this repository. About .exe files: obviously, on Windows, just run them normally. However, if you're a Linux user like me, use a tool called Wine, the website of which is here:
No rights or ownership is claimed of any of these files. All Scratch files created by the MIT LLK Media Group.