The purpose of this script is to synchronize users between a list of Active Directory users and users in the Samanage IT Service Desk web based application. This script was developed by a customer of that company. It is intended to executed once a day.
This script depends on a CSV of active AD users being created before this script is executed. The script will assume that anything in the list, but not in the ignore list will need to be added (or enabled if previously disabled) to samamage, unless the "Account Is Disabled" field is "FALSE".
If you want a subset of your AD users in samanage you will need to filter your list when you create the CSV file. The script will however ignore any AD entry without an email address, since you have to have an email address to be a samanage user. If there is a user in the with an email address that has already be found in the AD csv, it will use the first entry with that email, ignoring subsequent.
Here is a typical entry in that file
"First Name","Last Name","Username","Email","Department","Phone","Account Is Disabled"
"Fred","Smith","fsmith","[email protected]","Personnel Dept","555-5555","False"
Samanage's API definition can be found at
Please direct any questions about this API to them.
There are some global variables you will want to set in the beginning part of the script. They should be self explanatory.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are using this in your organization, we have added a user defined field in Samanage (AD_Account_Name). This is not a field that Samanage has. You will want to find references to that and update the script accordingly. We have left it in the script to show how it can be done.