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A themed Yahtzee remake

game preview

Scoring variations

Joker rules are not used to score multiple yahtzees. Instead, a player is given an additional turn when a subsequent yahtzee is scored in the yahtzee category (if a non-zero value has been scored first). Bonus points are given for each yahtzee after the first. A player may choose to discard the score for any turn.

Game modes

'Local' allows for a single-player game or a two-player game (human versus a computer player). 'Internet' requires the server to be running before starting a game and supports 2-5 human players. After connecting to the server, players may indicate their desire to begin the game by clicking the 'play now' button. If all players have clicked the 'play now' button, the game will begin (if at least 2 players are connected). Once 5 players connect to the server, the game will begin automatically.


Play order is determined by the order of connection to the server. In local game mode, the human player goes first. Click a player at the top of the screen to see that player's scoresheet. Click on a die to hold/release it. Click the roll button during a robot player's turn to advance the robot's turn. An alert sound will play if a player has not completed their turn after one minute.

Cheats (local game mode only)

Scores may be pre-loaded onto the scoresheet in a single player game by entering values at the starting screen. Right-click a die to change its value.

Known limitations

A human player may interfere with the die holds during a robot player's turn. The number of yahtzee bonuses will not display properly once the 10th bonus has been scored (an unlikely scenario in regular gameplay). If a player disconnects while in the middle of an internet game, the server will crash.


The Yahtzee class contains the players and dice, which are passed to turns. The use of the turn class has greatly diminished since the action driving the game has been moved to the GUI. Each player contains their own scoresheet and has subclass-specific methods for scoring decisions. Text is displayed as a series of images with each image representing one character. This is accomplished with the CharacterImage class, which has methods for transforming an int or String into an array of ImageIcons. Sounds are handled by the SoundTask and SoundLib classes. SoundTask loads a sound file and plays it after a specified period of time. SoundLib loads one or more sound files and plays a sound when the playSound method is called. The server allows clients to communicate by echoing each message it receives to all connected clients. The clients translate these messages into a series of function calls. The html file uses the bootstrap framework for form validation. Because bootstrap automatically resizes elements depending on the screen size, the elements may not display properly on a screen with low resolution or a browser window that is not maximized.

Sounds are not included because I am not free to distribute them. Specific server information has been removed from these files.


A themed Yahtzee remake written in Java







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