Wireless communication system based on an OFDM implemented in MATLAB for USRP radios
Complete: Modules
- Custom messages
- Class based control of tx and rx
- Energy Detection
- BCH Codes
- OFDMA Example
To do: Modules
- Advanced Spectrum sensing
- Packetizer (modestly complete, has limitations)
- Turbo Codes or LDPC (Don't fit will with current architecture)
- CSMA Example
OFDMA Demo: 0. Add all folders in repo to matlab path and get necessary support package - From repo root run 'setupUSRP;startup;'
- Navigate to sdruWiLab/sdruCPP/OFDMA
- Build transmitter and receiver(s)
- use builder_txrx if you wish to use a single radio (Recommend using a USRP with XCVR daughtercard, other cards seem to have more crosstalk)
- use builder_tx on transmitter only and builder_rx for receiver only, if using more than one radio
- Run
- run executables produced (RX, TX, or TXRX) on appropriate nodes as built from step 2
- ....
- Profit
Day To Day To do: Link