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Whysoserioushah committed Aug 23, 2024
1 parent e43326d commit ced85a1
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 104 deletions.
313 changes: 209 additions & 104 deletions BrauerGroup/Subfield.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -32,109 +32,214 @@ def IsMaximalSubfield (K A : Type u) [Field K] [Semiring A] [Algebra K A] (L : S

end def_and_lemmas

variable (K A M: Type u) [Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] [hA : IsCentralSimple K A]
[FiniteDimensional K A] [AddCommGroup M] [Module K M] [Module A M] [IsScalarTower K A M]
[IsSimpleModule A M]

lemma finiteM: Module.Finite A M := by
have i : Submodule.IsPrincipal (⊤ : Submodule A M) := inferInstance
refine ⟨⟨{i.1.choose}, ?_⟩⟩
have := i.1.choose_spec
refine this.trans ?_
simp only [Set.mem_singleton_iff, Finset.coe_singleton]

set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 60000 in
instance (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
Module K $ Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) := inferInstance

set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 60000 in
instance (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
Algebra K $ Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) := inferInstance

def C_iso_toFun_toFun (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]
(c : (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B)):
Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) where
toFun := fun m ↦ c • m
map_add' := smul_add _
map_smul' := fun x m ↦ by
simp only [Subalgebra.coe_centralizer, RingHom.id_apply]
induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on
· simp only [zero_smul, smul_zero]
· rename_i b l
change c • (smul1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = smul1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
simp only [smul1, smul1AddHom, smul1AddHom', Subalgebra.coe_val, ZeroHom.toFun_eq_coe,
AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom_coe, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, liftAddHom_tmul,
AddMonoidHom.coe_mk, ZeroHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.map_smul_of_tower]
obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := c
rw [Subalgebra.mem_centralizer_iff] at hc
-- variable (K A M: Type u) [Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] [hA : IsCentralSimple K A]
-- [FiniteDimensional K A] [AddCommGroup M] [Module K M] [Module A M] [IsScalarTower K A M]
-- [IsSimpleModule A M]

variable (K A: Type u) [Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] (B : Subalgebra K A)

def A_inst (K A: Type u) [Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] (B : Subalgebra K A) := A

instance: AddCommGroup $ A_inst K A B := inferInstanceAs $ AddCommGroup A

instance: Module K $ A_inst K A B := inferInstanceAs $ Module K A

instance: Ring $ A_inst K A B := inferInstanceAs $ Ring A

instance: Algebra K $ A_inst K A B := inferInstanceAs $ Algebra K A

instance : HMul A (A_inst K A B) A where
hMul := fun a a' ↦ by
unfold A_inst at a'
exact a * a'

def smulAAddHom' (K A: Type u) [Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A]
(B : Subalgebra K A): (A_inst K A B) → A →+ B →+ A :=
fun a ↦ {
toFun := fun x ↦ {
toFun := fun ⟨b, _⟩ ↦ b * x * a
map_zero' := by simp only [zero_mul]
map_add' := fun a1 a2 ↦ by simp only [add_mul]
map_zero' := by ext; simp only [mul_zero, zero_mul, AddMonoidHom.coe_mk, ZeroHom.coe_mk,
map_add' := fun b1 b2 ↦ by ext; simp only [mul_add, add_mul, AddMonoidHom.coe_mk,
ZeroHom.coe_mk, AddMonoidHom.add_apply] }

def smulAAddHom (K A: Type u)
[Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] (B : Subalgebra K A):
(A_inst K A B) → A ⊗[K] B →+ A_inst K A B := fun a ↦
TensorProduct.liftAddHom (smulAAddHom' K A B a) $ fun k a' ⟨b, _⟩ ↦ by
unfold A_inst at a
simp only [smulAAddHom', SetLike.mk_smul_mk]
change _ * (k • a') * _ = _ * a' * _
simp only [Algebra.mul_smul_comm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]

def smulA (K A: Type u)
[Field K] [Ring A] [Algebra K A] (B : Subalgebra K A):
(A_inst K A B) → A ⊗[K] B →ₗ[K] A_inst K A B := fun a ↦ {
__ := smulAAddHom K A B a
map_smul' := fun k ab ↦ by
simp only [smulAAddHom, ZeroHom.toFun_eq_coe, AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom_coe, RingHom.id_apply]
induction ab using TensorProduct.induction_on
· simp only [smul_zero, map_zero]
· rename_i a' b
obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := b
have hb' : b ∈ (B : Set A) := hb
specialize hc b hb'
simp only [Submonoid.mk_smul, ← mul_smul, hc]
· simp_all only [add_smul, smul_add]

lemma C_iso_mapmul (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)] :
∀(x y : Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B), C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B (x * y) =
C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B x * C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B y := fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ ↦ by
ext m
simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, Submonoid.mk_mul_mk, Submonoid.mk_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk,
AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.mul_apply, mul_smul]

def C_iso_toFun (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
(Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B) →ₐ[K]
Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) where
toFun c := C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B c
map_one' := by
simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, one_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.one_apply]
map_mul' := C_iso_mapmul K A M B
map_zero' := by
simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, zero_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.zero_apply]
map_add' := fun x y ↦ by
ext m
simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, add_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.add_apply]
commutes' := fun k ↦ by
ext m
simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, algebraMap_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk,

instance findimM (B : Subalgebra K A) : Module.Finite (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M))
(module_inst K A B M B.val) := sorry

lemma C_iso_inj (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]: Function.Injective
(C_iso_toFun K A M B) := RingHom.injective_iff_ker_eq_bot (C_iso_toFun K A M B)|>.2 $ by
ext ⟨c, hc⟩
· intro hhc
-- change c = 0
change C_iso_toFun K A M B ⟨c, hc⟩ = (0 : Module.End
(↥B ⊗[K] Module.End A M) (module_inst K A (↥B) M B.val)) at hhc
simp only [C_iso_toFun, C_iso_toFun_toFun, AlgHom.coe_mk, RingHom.coe_mk, MonoidHom.coe_mk,
OneHom.coe_mk, Submonoid.mk_smul] at hhc
obtain ⟨ℬ, hℬ⟩ := findimM K A M B

simp only [smulAAddHom', liftAddHom_tmul, TensorProduct.smul_tmul',
SetLike.mk_smul_mk, liftAddHom_tmul]
change _ * (k • a') * a = k • (_ * a' * _)
simp only [Algebra.mul_smul_comm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
· rename_i x y hx hy
simp only [smul_add, map_add, hx, add_right_inj, hy]

lemma smulA_mul_smul : ∀ (x y : A ⊗[K] B) (b : A_inst K A B), smulA K A B b (x * y) =
smulA K A B (smulA K A B b y) x := fun x y a ↦ by
dsimp only [smulA, smulAAddHom, smulAAddHom', ZeroHom.toFun_eq_coe, AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom_coe,
LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk]
induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on
· simp only [zero_mul, map_zero]
· rename_i a' b
induction y using TensorProduct.induction_on
· simp only [mul_zero, map_zero, liftAddHom_tmul]; rfl
· rename_i a1 b1
obtain ⟨b1, hb1⟩ := b1; obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := b
unfold A_inst at *
simp only [Algebra.TensorProduct.tmul_mul_tmul, Submonoid.mk_mul_mk, liftAddHom_tmul,
AddMonoidHom.coe_mk, ZeroHom.coe_mk]

· intro hhc
simp only [Ideal.mem_bot] at hhc ⊢
simp only [hhc, Submodule.zero_mem]

def C_iso (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
(Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B) ≃ₐ[K]
Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) :=
AlgEquiv.ofBijective (C_iso_toFun K A M B) ⟨C_iso_inj K A M B, sorry

lemma double_centralizer1 (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
IsSimpleOrder (RingCon (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B)) := by
let C := Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val)
have simple_C: IsSimpleOrder (RingCon C) := sorry -- need 074E (6)
-- haveI : FiniteDimensional K M := @Module.Finite.trans K A M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (finiteM A M)
-- obtain ⟨m, hm, D, hD1, hD2, ⟨iso⟩⟩ := Wedderburn_Artin_algebra_version K (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M))
exact OrderIso.isSimpleOrder_iff (RingCon.orderIsoOfRingEquiv (C_iso K A M B))|>.2 simple_C

lemma double_centralizer2 (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
FiniteDimensional.finrank K A = (FiniteDimensional.finrank K B) * (FiniteDimensional.finrank K
(Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val))) := sorry

instance : Module (A ⊗[K] B) (A_inst K A B) where
smul := fun x a ↦ smulA K A B a x
one_smul := fun a ↦ by
change smulA K A B _ _ = _
simp only [smulA, smulAAddHom, smulAAddHom', ZeroHom.toFun_eq_coe, AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom_coe,
Algebra.TensorProduct.one_def, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, liftAddHom_tmul]
change _ * _ * _ = a
simp only [OneMemClass.coe_one, mul_one, one_mul]
mul_smul := smulA_mul_smul K A B
smul_zero := sorry
smul_add := sorry
add_smul := sorry
zero_smul := sorry
-- lemma finiteM: Module.Finite A M := by
-- have i : Submodule.IsPrincipal (⊤ : Submodule A M) := inferInstance
-- refine ⟨⟨{i.1.choose}, ?_⟩⟩
-- symm
-- have := i.1.choose_spec
-- refine this.trans ?_
-- congr
-- simp only [Set.mem_singleton_iff, Finset.coe_singleton]

-- set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 60000 in
-- instance (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- Module K $ Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) := inferInstance

-- set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 60000 in
-- instance (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- Algebra K $ Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) := inferInstance

-- def C_iso_toFun_toFun (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]
-- (c : (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B)):
-- Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) where
-- toFun := fun m ↦ c • m
-- map_add' := smul_add _
-- map_smul' := fun x m ↦ by
-- simp only [Subalgebra.coe_centralizer, RingHom.id_apply]
-- induction x using TensorProduct.induction_on
-- · simp only [zero_smul, smul_zero]
-- · rename_i b l
-- change c • (smul1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = smul1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-- simp only [smul1, smul1AddHom, smul1AddHom', Subalgebra.coe_val, ZeroHom.toFun_eq_coe,
-- AddMonoidHom.toZeroHom_coe, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, liftAddHom_tmul,
-- AddMonoidHom.coe_mk, ZeroHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.map_smul_of_tower]
-- obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := c
-- rw [Subalgebra.mem_centralizer_iff] at hc
-- obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := b
-- have hb' : b ∈ (B : Set A) := hb
-- specialize hc b hb'
-- simp only [Submonoid.mk_smul, ← mul_smul, hc]
-- · simp_all only [add_smul, smul_add]

-- lemma C_iso_mapmul (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)] :
-- ∀(x y : Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B), C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B (x * y) =
-- C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B x * C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B y := fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ ↦ by
-- ext m
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, Submonoid.mk_mul_mk, Submonoid.mk_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk,
-- AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.mul_apply, mul_smul]

-- /-- C →ₐ[K] End (B ⊗ L) M -/
-- def C_iso_toFun (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B) →ₐ[K]
-- Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) where
-- toFun c := C_iso_toFun_toFun K A M B c
-- map_one' := by
-- ext
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, one_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.one_apply]
-- map_mul' := C_iso_mapmul K A M B
-- map_zero' := by
-- ext
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, zero_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.zero_apply]
-- map_add' := fun x y ↦ by
-- ext m
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, add_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk, LinearMap.add_apply]
-- commutes' := fun k ↦ by
-- ext m
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun_toFun, algebraMap_smul, LinearMap.coe_mk, AddHom.coe_mk,
-- Module.algebraMap_end_apply]

-- instance findimM (B : Subalgebra K A) : Module.Finite (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M))
-- (module_inst K A B M B.val) := inferInstance
-- -- f(c) = 0 → c • M = 0 → c ∈ Ann(M) →(A simple) c = 0

-- abbrev Annilator_TwoSidedIdeal (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]: RingCon B :=
-- RingCon.fromIdeal {x | x.1 ∈ (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B) ∧ ∀(m : M), x • m = 0} sorry _ _ _
-- $ fun ⟨b11, b12⟩ ⟨b21, b22⟩ ⟨hb11, hb12⟩ ↦ by
-- rw [Subalgebra.mem_centralizer_iff] at hb11
-- simp only [Submonoid.mk_mul_mk, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Submonoid.mk_smul]
-- constructor
-- · sorry
-- · sorry

-- lemma C_iso_inj (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]: Function.Injective
-- (C_iso_toFun K A M B) := RingHom.injective_iff_ker_eq_bot (C_iso_toFun K A M B)|>.2 $ by
-- ext ⟨c, hc⟩
-- constructor
-- · intro hhc
-- -- change c = 0
-- change C_iso_toFun K A M B ⟨c, hc⟩ = (0 : Module.End
-- (↥B ⊗[K] Module.End A M) (module_inst K A (↥B) M B.val)) at hhc
-- simp only [C_iso_toFun, C_iso_toFun_toFun, AlgHom.coe_mk, RingHom.coe_mk, MonoidHom.coe_mk,
-- OneHom.coe_mk, Submonoid.mk_smul] at hhc
-- obtain ⟨ℬ, hℬ⟩ := findimM K A M B
-- -- apply DFunLike.ext_iff at hhc
-- sorry
-- · intro hhc
-- simp only [Ideal.mem_bot] at hhc ⊢
-- simp only [hhc, Submodule.zero_mem]

-- def C_iso (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B) ≃ₐ[K]
-- Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val) :=
-- AlgEquiv.ofBijective (C_iso_toFun K A M B) ⟨C_iso_inj K A M B, sorry⟩

-- lemma double_centralizer1 (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- IsSimpleOrder (RingCon (Subalgebra.centralizer (A := A) K B)) := by
-- let C := Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val)
-- have simple_C: IsSimpleOrder (RingCon C) := sorry -- need 074E (6)
-- -- haveI : FiniteDimensional K M := @Module.Finite.trans K A M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (finiteM A M)
-- -- obtain ⟨m, hm, D, hD1, hD2, ⟨iso⟩⟩ := Wedderburn_Artin_algebra_version K (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M))
-- exact OrderIso.isSimpleOrder_iff (RingCon.orderIsoOfRingEquiv (C_iso K A M B))|>.2 simple_C

-- lemma double_centralizer2 (B : Subalgebra K A) [IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B)]:
-- FiniteDimensional.finrank K A = (FiniteDimensional.finrank K B) * (FiniteDimensional.finrank K
-- (Module.End (B ⊗[K] (Module.End A M)) (module_inst K A B M B.val))) := sorry

-- -- R = A ⊗ B, unique R simple mod M, A is R-mod → A ≃ Mⁿ
-- -- Cₐ(B) ≃ End R A ≃ End R (Mⁿ) ≃ Mₙ(End R M) ≃ Mₙ(D)

-- def EndtoMat : Module.End R ((Fin n) → M) ≃ Mₙ(End R M)

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