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Whysoserioushah committed Sep 16, 2024
1 parent d1e46ba commit 6fa3e7a
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Showing 5 changed files with 244 additions and 13 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion BrauerGroup/BrauerGroup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -986,7 +986,6 @@ def baseChange_idem.Aux' (F K E : Type u) [Field F] [Field K] [Field E]
(TensorProduct.AlgebraTensorModule.rid K E E) (LinearEquiv.refl F A))
set g := (TensorProduct.AlgebraTensorModule.assoc F K E E K A.carrier).symm
change f (g _) = _
induction y1 using TensorProduct.induction_on -- with f b e a he ha
· rw [zero_mul, TensorProduct.tmul_zero, g.map_zero,
f.map_zero, TensorProduct.tmul_zero,
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225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions BrauerGroup/FieldCatOver.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.IsSepClosed
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.AlgebraCat.Basic
import BrauerGroup.FieldCat

universe u

open CategoryTheory

variable (K : Type u) [Field K]

-- class GaloisFunctor extends AlgebraCat K ⥤ Grp where
-- val := ∀(E G: Type u) [Field E] [Algebra K E] [Field G] [Algebra E G] [IsGalois E G],
-- Function.Injective ( _ )
structure FieldCatOver (K : Type u) [Field K] where
carrier : Type u
[isField : Field carrier]
[isAlgebra : Algebra K carrier]

attribute [instance] FieldCatOver.isField FieldCatOver.isAlgebra

namespace FieldCatOver
instance : CoeSort (FieldCatOver K) (Type u) :=

attribute [coe] FieldCatOver.carrier

instance : Category (FieldCatOver K) where
Hom A B := A →ₐ[K] B
id A := K A
comp f g := g.comp f

instance {M N : FieldCatOver K} : FunLike (M ⟶ N) M N :=

instance {M N : FieldCatOver K} : AlgHomClass (M ⟶ N) K M N :=

instance : ConcreteCategory (FieldCatOver K) where
forget :=
{ obj := fun R => R
map := fun f => f.toFun }
forget_faithful := ⟨fun h => AlgHom.ext (by intros x; dsimp at h; rw [h])⟩

instance {S : FieldCatOver K} : Field ((forget (FieldCatOver K)).obj S) :=
(inferInstance : Field S.carrier)

instance {S : FieldCatOver K} : Algebra K ((forget (FieldCatOver K)).obj S) :=
(inferInstance : Algebra K S.carrier)

instance hasForgetToField : HasForget₂ (FieldCatOver K) FieldCat where
forget₂ :=
{ obj := fun A => FieldCat.of A
map := fun f => FieldCat.ofHom f.toRingHom }

instance hasForgetToRing : HasForget₂ (FieldCatOver K) RingCat where
forget₂ :=
{ obj := fun A => RingCat.of A
map := fun f => RingCat.ofHom f.toRingHom }

instance hasForgetToModule : HasForget₂ (FieldCatOver K) (ModuleCat K) where
forget₂ :=
{ obj := fun M => ModuleCat.of K M
map := fun f => ModuleCat.ofHom f.toLinearMap }

lemma forget₂_module_obj (X : FieldCatOver K) :
(forget₂ (FieldCatOver K) (ModuleCat K)).obj X = ModuleCat.of K X :=

lemma forget₂_module_map {X Y : FieldCatOver K} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
(forget₂ (FieldCatOver K) (ModuleCat K)).map f = ModuleCat.ofHom f.toLinearMap :=

/-- The object in the category of R-algebras associated to a type equipped with the appropriate
typeclasses. -/
def of (X : Type u) [Field X] [Algebra K X] : FieldCatOver K :=

/-- Typecheck a `AlgHom` as a morphism in `AlgebraCat R`. -/
def ofHom {K} [Field K] {X Y : Type u} [Field X] [Algebra K X] [Field Y] [Algebra K Y]
(f : X →ₐ[K] Y) : of K X ⟶ of K Y :=

theorem ofHom_apply {X Y : Type u} [Field X] [Algebra K X] [Field Y]
[Algebra K Y] (f : X →ₐ[K] Y) (x : X) : ofHom f x = f x :=

instance : Inhabited (FieldCatOver K) :=
⟨of K K⟩

theorem coe_of (X : Type u) [Field X] [Algebra K X] : (of K X : Type u) = X :=

variable {R}

/-- Forgetting to the underlying type and then building the bundled object returns the original
algebra. -/
def ofSelfIso (M : FieldCatOver K) : FieldCatOver.of K M ≅ M where
hom := 𝟙 M
inv := 𝟙 M

-- variable {M N U : ModuleCat K}

-- @[simp]
-- theorem id_apply (m : M) : (𝟙 M : M → M) m = m :=
-- rfl

-- @[simp]
-- theorem coe_comp (f : M ⟶ N) (g : N ⟶ U) : (f ≫ g : M → U) = g ∘ f :=
-- rfl

-- variable (R)

-- /-- The "free algebra" functor, sending a type `S` to the free algebra on `S`. -/
-- @[simps!]
-- def free : Type u ⥤ AlgebraCat.{u} R where
-- obj S :=
-- { carrier := FreeAlgebra R S
-- isRing := Algebra.semiringToRing R }
-- map f := FreeAlgebra.lift _ <| FreeAlgebra.ι _ ∘ f
-- -- Porting note (#11041): `apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext` was `ext1`.
-- map_id := by intro X; apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; rfl
-- map_comp := by
-- -- Porting note (#11041): `apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext` was `ext1`.
-- intros; apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; ext1
-- -- Porting node: this ↓ `erw` used to be handled by the `simp` below it
-- erw [CategoryTheory.coe_comp]
-- simp only [CategoryTheory.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply, types_comp_apply]
-- -- Porting node: this ↓ `erw` and `rfl` used to be handled by the `simp` above
-- erw [FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply, FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply]
-- rfl

-- /-- The free/forget adjunction for `R`-algebras. -/
-- def adj : free.{u} R ⊣ forget (AlgebraCat.{u} R) :=
-- Adjunction.mkOfHomEquiv
-- { homEquiv := fun X A => (FreeAlgebra.lift _).symm
-- -- Relying on `obviously` to fill out these proofs is very slow :(
-- homEquiv_naturality_left_symm := by
-- -- Porting note (#11041): `apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext` was `ext1`.
-- intros; apply FreeAlgebra.hom_ext; simp only [FreeAlgebra.ι_comp_lift]; ext1
-- simp only [free_map, Equiv.symm_symm, FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply, CategoryTheory.coe_comp,
-- Function.comp_apply, types_comp_apply]
-- -- Porting node: this ↓ `erw` and `rfl` used to be handled by the `simp` above
-- erw [FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply, CategoryTheory.comp_apply, FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply,
-- Function.comp_apply, FreeAlgebra.lift_ι_apply]
-- rfl
-- homEquiv_naturality_right := by
-- intros; ext
-- simp only [CategoryTheory.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply,
-- FreeAlgebra.lift_symm_apply, types_comp_apply]
-- -- Porting note: proof used to be done after this ↑ `simp`; added ↓ two lines
-- erw [FreeAlgebra.lift_symm_apply, FreeAlgebra.lift_symm_apply]
-- rfl }

-- instance : (forget (AlgebraCat.{u} R)).IsRightAdjoint := (adj R).isRightAdjoint

end FieldCatOver

variable {K}
variable {X₁ X₂ : Type u}

/-- Build an isomorphism in the category `AlgebraCat R` from a `AlgEquiv` between `Algebra`s. -/
def FieldEquiv.toAlgebraIso {g₁ : Field X₁} {g₂ : Field X₂} {m₁ : Algebra K X₁} {m₂ : Algebra K X₂}
(e : X₁ ≃ₐ[K] X₂) : FieldCatOver.of K X₁ ≅ FieldCatOver.of K X₂ where
hom := (e : X₁ →ₐ[K] X₂)
inv := (e.symm : X₂ →ₐ[K] X₁)
hom_inv_id := by ext x; exact e.left_inv x
inv_hom_id := by ext x; exact e.right_inv x

namespace CategoryTheory.Iso

/-- Build a `AlgEquiv` from an isomorphism in the category `AlgebraCat R`. -/
def FieldCatOver.toAlgEquiv {X Y : FieldCatOver K} (i : X ≅ Y) : X ≃ₐ[K] Y :=
{ i.hom with
toFun := i.hom
invFun := i.inv
left_inv := fun x => by
-- Porting note: was `by tidy`
change (i.hom ≫ i.inv) x = x
simp only [hom_inv_id]
-- This used to be `rw`, but we need `erw` after leanprover/lean4#2644
erw [id_apply]
right_inv := fun x => by
-- Porting note: was `by tidy`
change (i.inv ≫ i.hom) x = x
simp only [inv_hom_id]
-- This used to be `rw`, but we need `erw` after leanprover/lean4#2644
erw [id_apply] }

end CategoryTheory.Iso

/-- Algebra equivalences between `Algebra`s are the same as (isomorphic to) isomorphisms in
`AlgebraCat`. -/
def algEquivIsoFieldIso {X Y : Type u} [Field X] [Field Y] [Algebra K X] [Algebra K Y] :
(X ≃ₐ[K] Y) ≅ FieldCatOver.of K X ≅ FieldCatOver.of K Y where
hom e := FieldEquiv.toAlgebraIso e
inv i := CategoryTheory.Iso.FieldCatOver.toAlgEquiv i

instance FieldCatOver.forget_reflects_isos : (forget (FieldCatOver K)).ReflectsIsomorphisms where
reflects {X Y} f _ := by
let i := asIso ((forget (FieldCatOver K)).map f)
let e : X ≃ₐ[K] Y := { f, i.toEquiv with }
exact (FieldEquiv.toAlgebraIso e).isIso_hom

`@[simp]` lemmas for `AlgHom.comp` and categorical identities.

@[simp] theorem AlgHom.comp_id_fieldCatOver
{K} [Field K] {G : FieldCatOver K} {H : Type u} [Field H] [Algebra K H] (f : G →ₐ[K] H) :
f.comp (𝟙 G) = f := rfl

@[simp] theorem AlgHom.id_fieldCatOver_comp
{G : Type u} [Field G] [Algebra K G] {H : FieldCatOver K} (f : G →ₐ[K] H) :
AlgHom.comp (𝟙 H) f = f :=
Category.comp_id (AlgebraCat.ofHom f)
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions BrauerGroup/GaloiFunctor.lean

This file was deleted.

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions BrauerGroup/GaloisFunctor.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import BrauerGroup.FieldCatOver

universe u

open CategoryTheory BigOperators

variable (K : Type u) [Field K]
--need fxing
class GaloisFunctor (F : FieldCatOver K ⥤ Grp) : Prop where
inj : ∀(E G : Type u) [Field E] [Algebra K E] [Field G] [Algebra E G] [Algebra K G]
[IsScalarTower K E G] [IsGalois E G],
Function.Injective ( (FieldCatOver.ofHom (X := E) (Y := G)
{ __ := Algebra.ofId E G
commutes' := AlgHom.map_algebraMap _}))
iso : ∀(E G : Type u) [Field E] [Algebra K E] [Field G] [Algebra E G] [Algebra K G]
[IsScalarTower K E G] [IsGalois E G], Nonempty $
F.obj (FieldCatOver.of K K) ≃*
MulAction.stabilizer (F.obj (FieldCatOver.of K G)) (α := (G ≃ₐ[K] G)) _
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lake-manifest.json
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Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
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