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some profinite stuff
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zjj committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent 54f0d1e commit 5eab163
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Showing 2 changed files with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions BrauerGroup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import BrauerGroup.Dual
import BrauerGroup.ExtendScalar
import BrauerGroup.GaloisDescent.Basic
import BrauerGroup.Lemmas
import BrauerGroup.MatrixCenterEquiv
import BrauerGroup.MoritaEquivalence
import BrauerGroup.PiTensorProduct
import BrauerGroup.Profinite.Basic
import BrauerGroup.QuadraticExtension
import BrauerGroup.QuatBasic
import BrauerGroup.Quaternion
Expand Down
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions BrauerGroup/Profinite/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
import Mathlib.Topology.Category.Profinite.AsLimit
import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.Grp.FilteredColimits

# Category of Profinite Groups
We say `G` is a profinite group if it is a topological group which is compact and totally
## Main definitions and results
* `ProfiniteGrp` is the type of profinite groups.
* `FiniteGrp` is the type of finite groups.
* `limitOfFiniteGrp`: direct limit of finite groups is a profinite group


universe u v

open CategoryTheory Topology

structure ProfiniteGrp extends Profinite where
[group : Group toProfinite]
[topologicalGroup : TopologicalGroup toProfinite]

structure FiniteGrp where
carrier : Grp
isFinite : Fintype carrier

namespace FiniteGrp

instance : CoeSort FiniteGrp.{u} (Type u) where
coe (G : FiniteGrp) : Type u := G.carrier

instance (G : FiniteGrp) : Group G := inferInstanceAs $ Group G.carrier

instance (G : FiniteGrp) : Fintype G := G.isFinite

instance : Category FiniteGrp := InducedCategory.category FiniteGrp.carrier

instance : ConcreteCategory FiniteGrp := InducedCategory.concreteCategory FiniteGrp.carrier

def of (G : Type u) [Group G] [Fintype G] : FiniteGrp where
carrier := Grp.of G
isFinite := inferInstanceAs $ Fintype G

instance (G H : FiniteGrp) : FunLike (G ⟶ H) G H :=
inferInstanceAs $ FunLike (G →* H) G H

instance (G H : FiniteGrp) : MonoidHomClass (G ⟶ H) G H :=
inferInstanceAs $ MonoidHomClass (G →* H) G H

end FiniteGrp

namespace ProfiniteGroup

instance : CoeSort ProfiniteGrp (Type u) where
coe (G : ProfiniteGrp) : Type u := G.toProfinite

instance (G : ProfiniteGrp) : Group G :=

def of (G : Type u) [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G]
[CompactSpace G] [TotallyDisconnectedSpace G] : ProfiniteGrp where
toCompHaus :=
{ toTop := .of G
is_compact := inferInstanceAs $ CompactSpace G
is_hausdorff := inferInstanceAs $ T2Space G }
isTotallyDisconnected := inferInstanceAs $ TotallyDisconnectedSpace G
group := inferInstanceAs $ Group G
topologicalGroup := inferInstanceAs $ TopologicalGroup G

structure Hom (G H : ProfiniteGrp) extends G →* H, ContinuousMap G H

def (G : ProfiniteGrp) : Hom G G where
toFun g := g
map_one' := rfl
map_mul' _ _ := rfl
continuous_toFun := by continuity

instance (G H) : FunLike (Hom G H) G H where
coe f := f.toFun
coe_injective' f g h := by cases f; cases g; aesop

instance (G H) : MonoidHomClass (Hom G H) G H where
map_mul f := f.toMonoidHom.map_mul
map_one f := f.toMonoidHom.map_one

instance (G H) : ContinuousMapClass (Hom G H) G H where
map_continuous f := f.toContinuousMap.continuous

lemma Hom.continuous {G H : ProfiniteGrp} (f : Hom G H) : Continuous f := by continuity

lemma Hom.continuous' {G H : ProfiniteGrp} (f : Hom G H) : Continuous f.toMonoidHom :=
show Continuous f by continuity

def Hom.comp {G H K : ProfiniteGrp} (g : Hom G H) (f : Hom H K) : Hom G K where
toFun := f.toFun ∘ g.toFun
map_one' := by simp
map_mul' := by simp

instance : Category ProfiniteGrp where
Hom := Hom
id :=
comp := Hom.comp

instance (G H : ProfiniteGrp) : FunLike (G ⟶ H) G H :=
inferInstanceAs $ FunLike (Hom G H) G H

instance (G H : ProfiniteGrp) : MonoidHomClass (G ⟶ H) G H :=
inferInstanceAs $ MonoidHomClass (Hom G H) G H

instance (G H : ProfiniteGrp) : ContinuousMapClass (G ⟶ H) G H :=
inferInstanceAs $ ContinuousMapClass (Hom G H) G H

instance : ConcreteCategory ProfiniteGrp where
forget :=
{ obj := fun G => G
map := fun f => f.toFun }
forget_faithful :=
{ map_injective := by
intro G H f g h
simp only [OneHom.toFun_eq_coe, MonoidHom.toOneHom_coe, id_eq] at h ⊢
exact DFunLike.ext _ _ $ fun x => congr_fun h x }

def ofFiniteGrp (G : FiniteGrp) : ProfiniteGrp :=
letI : TopologicalSpace G := ⊥
letI : DiscreteTopology G := ⟨rfl⟩
letI : TopologicalGroup G := {}
of G


variable {J : Type v} [Category J] [IsFiltered J] (F : J ⥤ FiniteGrp)

attribute [local instance] ConcreteCategory.instFunLike ConcreteCategory.hasCoeToSort

instance (j : J) : TopologicalSpace (F.obj j) := ⊥

instance (j : J) : DiscreteTopology (F.obj j) := ⟨rfl⟩

instance (j : J) : TopologicalGroup (F.obj j) where
continuous_mul := by continuity
continuous_inv := by continuity

instance : TopologicalSpace (Π j : J, F.obj j) :=

def G_ : Subgroup (Π j : J, F.obj j) where
carrier := {x | ∀ ⦃i j : J⦄ (π : i ⟶ j), π (x i) = x j}
mul_mem' hx hy _ _ π := by simp only [Pi.mul_apply, map_mul, hx π, hy π]
one_mem' := by simp
inv_mem' h _ _ π := by simp [h π]

lemma mem_G_ (x : Π j : J, F.obj j) : x ∈ G_ F ↔ ∀ ⦃i j : J⦄ (π : i ⟶ j), π (x i) = x j :=

instance : CompactSpace (G_ F) := ClosedEmbedding.compactSpace (f := (G_ F).subtype)
{ induced := rfl
inj := Subgroup.subtype_injective _
isClosed_range := by
let S ⦃i j : J⦄ (π : i ⟶ j) : Set (Π j : J, F.obj j) := {x | π (x i) = x j}
have hS ⦃i j : J⦄ (π : i ⟶ j) : IsClosed (S π) := by
simp only [S]
rw [← isOpen_compl_iff, isOpen_pi_iff]
rintro x (hx : ¬ _)
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hx
refine ⟨{i, j}, fun i => {x i}, ?_⟩
simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, isOpen_discrete, Set.mem_singleton_iff, and_self,
implies_true, Finset.coe_singleton, Set.singleton_pi, true_and]
intro y hy
simp only [Finset.coe_insert, Finset.coe_singleton, Set.insert_pi, Set.singleton_pi,
Set.mem_inter_iff, Set.mem_preimage, Function.eval, Set.mem_singleton_iff,
Set.mem_compl_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hy ⊢
rwa [hy.1, hy.2]
have eq : Set.range (G_ F).subtype = ⋂ (i : J) (j : J) (π : i ⟶ j), S π := by
ext x
simp only [Subgroup.coeSubtype, Subtype.range_coe_subtype, SetLike.mem_coe, mem_G_,
Set.mem_setOf_eq, Set.mem_iInter]
rw [eq]
exact isClosed_iInter fun i => isClosed_iInter fun j => isClosed_iInter fun π => hS π }

def limitOfFiniteGrp : ProfiniteGrp := of (G_ F)


end ProfiniteGroup

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