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zjj committed Aug 31, 2024
1 parent a9b3345 commit 4743121
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Showing 3 changed files with 320 additions and 57 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions BrauerGroup/CentralSimple.lean
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Expand Up @@ -959,3 +959,89 @@ theorem CSA_implies_CSA (K : Type*) (B : Type*) [Field K] [Ring B] [Algebra K B]
-- restrict to 4d case
-- theorem exists_quaternionAlgebra_iso (hK : (2 : K) ≠ 0) :
-- ∃ a b : K, Nonempty (D ≃ₐ[K] ℍ[K, a, b]) := sorry


lemma isSimpleOrder_iff (α : Type*) [LE α] [BoundedOrder α] :
IsSimpleOrder α ↔ Nontrivial α ∧ ∀ (a : α), a = ⊥ ∨ a = ⊤ := by
· intro h; refine ⟨inferInstance, fun a => h.2 a⟩
· rintro ⟨h, h'⟩; constructor; exact h'

open TensorProduct in
lemma IsSimpleRing.left_of_tensor (B C : Type*)
[Ring B] [Ring C] [Algebra K C] [Algebra K B]
[hbc : IsSimpleOrder (RingCon (B ⊗[K] C))] :
IsSimpleOrder (RingCon B) := by
have hB : Subsingleton B ∨ Nontrivial B := subsingleton_or_nontrivial B
have hC : Subsingleton C ∨ Nontrivial C := subsingleton_or_nontrivial B
rcases hB with hB|hB
· have : Subsingleton (B ⊗[K] C) := by
rw [← subsingleton_iff_zero_eq_one, show (0 : B ⊗[K] C) = 0 ⊗ₜ 0 by simp,
show (1 : B ⊗[K] C) = 1 ⊗ₜ 1 by rfl, show (1 : B) = 0 from Subsingleton.elim _ _]
simp only [tmul_zero, zero_tmul]
have : Subsingleton (RingCon (B ⊗[K] C)) := by
intro I J
refine SetLike.ext fun x => ?_
rw [show x = 0 from Subsingleton.elim _ _]
refine ⟨fun _ => RingCon.zero_mem _, fun _ => RingCon.zero_mem _⟩
have H := hbc.1
rw [← not_subsingleton_iff_nontrivial] at H

rcases hC with hC|hC
· have : Subsingleton (B ⊗[K] C) := by
rw [← subsingleton_iff_zero_eq_one, show (0 : B ⊗[K] C) = 0 ⊗ₜ 0 by simp,
show (1 : B ⊗[K] C) = 1 ⊗ₜ 1 by rfl, show (1 : C) = 0 from Subsingleton.elim _ _]
simp only [tmul_zero, zero_tmul]
have : Subsingleton (RingCon (B ⊗[K] C)) := by
intro I J
refine SetLike.ext fun x => ?_
rw [show x = 0 from Subsingleton.elim _ _]
refine ⟨fun _ => RingCon.zero_mem _, fun _ => RingCon.zero_mem _⟩
have H := hbc.1
rw [← not_subsingleton_iff_nontrivial] at H

by_contra h
rw [RingCon.IsSimpleOrder.iff_eq_zero_or_injective' (k := K) (A := B)] at h
push_neg at h
obtain ⟨B', _, _, f, h1, h2⟩ := h
have : Nontrivial B' := by
contrapose! h1
rw [← not_subsingleton_iff_nontrivial, not_not] at h1
refine SetLike.ext ?_
intro b
simp only [RingCon.mem_ker]
refine ⟨fun _ => trivial, fun _ => Subsingleton.elim _ _⟩
let F : B ⊗[K] C →ₐ[K] (B' ⊗[K] C) := f ( _ _)
have hF := RingCon.IsSimpleOrder.iff_eq_zero_or_injective' (B ⊗[K] C) K |>.1 inferInstance F
-- have h : (RingCon.ker F) = ⊥ ∨ (RingCon.ker F) = ⊤ := hbc.2 (RingCon.ker F)
rcases hF with hF|hF
· have : Nontrivial (B' ⊗[K] C) := by
rw [← rank_pos_iff_nontrivial (R := K), rank_tensorProduct]
simp only [gt_iff_lt, CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.mul_pos, Cardinal.zero_lt_lift_iff]
rw [rank_pos_iff_nontrivial, rank_pos_iff_nontrivial]
have : 1 ∈ RingCon.ker F := by rw [hF]; trivial
simp only [RingCon.mem_ker, _root_.map_one, one_ne_zero] at this
· -- Since `F` is injective, `f` must be injective, this is because `C` is faithfully flat, but
-- we don't have this


open TensorProduct in
lemma IsSimpleRing.right_of_tensor (B C : Type*)
[Ring B] [Ring C] [Algebra K C] [Algebra K B]
[hbc : IsSimpleOrder (RingCon (B ⊗[K] C))] :
IsSimpleOrder (RingCon C) := by
haveI : IsSimpleOrder (RingCon (C ⊗[K] B)) := by
let e : C ⊗[K] B ≃ₐ[K] (B ⊗[K] C) := Algebra.TensorProduct.comm _ _ _
have := RingCon.orderIsoOfRingEquiv e.toRingEquiv
exact (OrderIso.isSimpleOrder_iff this).mpr hbc
apply IsSimpleRing.left_of_tensor (K := K) (B := C) (C := B)

68 changes: 67 additions & 1 deletion BrauerGroup/Con.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,11 +235,20 @@ def comap {F : Type*} [FunLike F R R'] [RingHomClass F R R'] (J : RingCon R') (f
__ := J.toCon.comap f (map_mul f)
__ := J.toAddCon.comap f (map_add f)

@[simp] lemma mem_comap {F : Type*} [FunLike F R R'] [RingHomClass F R R'] (J : RingCon R') (f : F) (x) :
@[simp] lemma mem_comap {F : Type*} [FunLike F R R'] [RingHomClass F R R']
(J : RingCon R') (f : F) (x) :
x ∈ J.comap f ↔ f x ∈ J := by
change J (f x) (f 0) ↔ J (f x) 0

lemma comap_injective {F : Type*} [FunLike F R R'] [RingHomClass F R R']
(f : F) (hf : Function.Surjective f) :
Function.Injective (fun J : RingCon _ ↦ J.comap f) := by
intro I J h
refine SetLike.ext fun x => ?_
simp only [mem_comap] at h
obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := hf x
rw [← mem_comap, ← mem_comap, h]

instance : Module Rᵐᵒᵖ I where
smul r x := ⟨x.1 * r.unop, I.mul_mem_right _ _ x.2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,6 +458,63 @@ lemma IsSimpleOrder.iff_eq_zero_or_injective [Nontrivial A] :
rw [h] at mem
exact mem

lemma IsSimpleOrder.iff_eq_zero_or_injective'
(k : Type*) [CommRing k] [Algebra k A] [Nontrivial A] :
IsSimpleOrder (RingCon A) ↔
∀ ⦃B : Type u⦄ [Ring B] [Algebra k B] (f : A →ₐ[k] B),
RingCon.ker f = ⊤ ∨ Function.Injective f := by
· intro so B _ _ f
if hker : RingCon.ker f.toRingHom = ⊤
then exact Or.inl hker
replace hker := so.2 (RingCon.ker f) |>.resolve_right hker
rw [injective_iff_ker_eq_bot]
exact Or.inr hker
· intro h
refine ⟨fun I => ?_⟩
letI : Algebra k I.Quotient :=
{ __ :='.comp (algebraMap k A)
smul := fun a =>' (fun b => a • b) fun x y (h : I x y) => show I _ _ by
simp only
rw [Algebra.smul_def, Algebra.smul_def]
exact I.mul (I.refl (algebraMap k A a)) h
commutes' := by
simp only [RingHom.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply]
intro a b
induction b using Quotient.inductionOn' with
| h b =>
change _ *' b =' b * _
simp only [← map_mul, Algebra.commutes a b]

smul_def' := fun a b => by
simp only [RingHom.coe_comp, Function.comp_apply]
change' _ _ _ = _
induction b using Quotient.inductionOn' with
| h b =>
change _ = _ *' _
simp only ['_mk'', ← map_mul, Algebra.smul_def]
rfl }
rcases @h I.Quotient _ _ {' with commutes' := fun a => rfl } with h|h
· right
rw [eq_top_iff, le_iff]
rintro x -
simp only at h
have mem : x ∈ RingCon.ker' := by erw [h]; trivial
rw [mem_ker] at mem
change _ =' 0 at mem
exact mem
· left
rw [injective_iff_ker_eq_bot] at h
rw [eq_bot_iff, le_iff]
intro x hx
have mem : x ∈ RingCon.ker' := by
rw [mem_ker]
exact I.eq.mpr hx
erw [h] at mem
exact mem

end IsSimpleOrder

end RingCon

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