updated by SH Park
This version is the updated version of
You can force the nomenclature order as follows:
\nomenclature[A, 01]{\(\mu_0\)}{Vacuum permeability}
\nomenclature[A, 02]{\(\varepsilon_0\)}{Vacuum permittivity}
You can automatically control the length of the reference author list. If you don't want to use this feature or if you want to change the feature, comment the lines from 3 to 7 of Ref.bib file.
You have to compile the tex file with makeindex as follows:
makeindex -s nomencl.ist -t "파일명.nlg" -o "파일명.nls" "파일명.nlo"
You can generate 'Table' (or 'Figure') in List of Tables (Figures) page. If you don't want to use this feature, comment the lines from 51 to 65 of snuee.cls file.
You can generate
Upper margin of the abstract (in Korean) section is changed. I left the original style code for the users as:
\changepage {-15mm}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{15mm} % 수정된 초록과 감사의 글을 위한 여백 재설정!
% \changepage {15mm}{}{}{}{}{-30mm}{}{}{15mm} %초록과 감사의 글을 위한 여백 재설정, 고치거나 삭제하지 마십시오. (원래 포맷)
You can change your department name by changing the line 248 and 256 in snuee.cls file.
Please refer to the official sample thesis file from your department for minor issues!!!(ex: abstract format is different from that of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
You have to select 2021 or the older TeX Live version (IDK why ㅠㅠ). If you're using Overleaf, just compiling with pdfLaTeX will generate the beautiful pdf file without setting makeindex for nomenclature generation.