For input preprocessing steps, the following tools and R libraries are required:
samtools (>= 1.10)
bedtools2 (>= 2.27.1)
parallel (>= 20170322)
R (>= 4.0.2)
bedops (>= 2.4.35)
R library dplyr (>= 1.0.7)
R library bedr (>= 1.0.7)
R library doParallel (>= 1.0.16)
For the deep learner step, GPU is needed. Other packages needed are:
Python (>=3.7.10)
PyTorch Lightning (>=1.5.1)
PyTorch (>=1.10.0)
numpy (>=1.21.5)
pandas (>=1.3.5)
argparse (>=1.1)
scikit-learn (>=1.0.1)
git clone
Usage: preprocessing.bash -p "program directory" -i "input directory" -o "output directory" -g hg -c 2 -m "merged.bam" -b "indi1.bam indi2.bam" -t 12 -n test -L 1000
-p Absolute directory of where the program is installed at.
-i Absolute directory of input files.
-o Absolute directory of output files.
-g Genome that the data is aligned to. Currently support mm10 (Ensembl) or hg38 (Ensembl).
-c Cutoff for prefiltering. Either "median" or specific number.
-m Bam files merged from individual replicates. Only used for preprocessing purpose, not for calling peaks. Must be indexed and sorted.
-b Individual bam files of every replicate. Must be indexed and sorted.
-t Number of threads to use.
-n File name prefix.
-L Length of input segments.
At this step, the script assumes your data has been aligned to mouse or human genome, Ensembl assembly.
module load samtools
module load bedtools2
module load parallel
module load bedops/2.4.35-gl7y6z6
module load gcc/7.3.0-xegsmw4
module load r/4.0.2-py3-icvulwq
module load gsl/2.5-fpqcpxf
module load udunits/2.2.24-yldmp4h
module load gdal/2.4.4-nw2drgf
module load geos/3.8.1-2m7gav4
bash /work/LAS/geetu-lab-collab/UnsupervisedPeakCaller/preprocessing.bash -p "/work/LAS/geetu-lab-collab/UnsupervisedPeakCaller" -i "/work/LAS/geetu-lab-collab/UnsupervisedPeakCaller/example" -o "/work/LAS/geetu-lab-collab/UnsupervisedPeakCaller/example" -g "hg" -c "median" -m "MCF7_chr10_merged.bam" -b "MCF7_chr10_rep1.bam MCF7_chr10_rep2.bam" -t 12 -n "test" -L 1000
Train the model and obtain the predictions.
bash -p example -f "rep1 rep2"
Input (required):
Path to preprocessing data.
Names of the individual BAM files (without suffix). For example, if your BAM files are rep1.bam and rep2.bam, use "rep1 rep2"
Parameters (optional):
--e Training epoches.
--b Batch size.
The trained model is called rcl.ckpt
and results are stored in rcl.bed
. The output will have
chromosome name, peak start position, peak end position, peak name, peak score, training region start position, training region end position, for example
10 49829 50258 10segment1 0.18526842 49543 50543
10 73663 74515 10segment2 0.8270205 73589 74589
Yudi Zhang ([email protected]), Ha Vu ([email protected])