Hands-On Ready IaC for Vsphere, Terraform and Packer stack
Only ubuntu-server 20.04 lts version OS user-data and os specific configurations should be considered for this module. All sensible value containing extensions (.tfstate, .pkvars, .tfvars)should be treated as a secret.
- Install Terraform ~ v1.2.7
- Install Packer ~ v1.8.3
- Clone the repository To deploy this project you should set general aggregated variables for both tools in root folder. Also for packer additional local variable values should be set for each type of packer template (i.e consul.pkr.hcl - containing values for consul server)
- File containing input variables for Terraform
should be created as a symlink to thevariables.hcl
file in root folder. - File containing input variables for Packer
should be created as a symlink to thevariables.hcl
file in root folder.
- File containing input variable values for Terraform
should be created as a symlink to thevalues.hcl
file in root folder. - File containing input variable values for Packer
should be created as a symlink to thevalues.hcl
file in root folder.
Packer scripts should be launched only with bash executable -> packer-build
Data containin file examples are shown below.
"values.hcl" in root folder
# Vsphere common values
vcenter_username = "[email protected]"
vcenter_password = "somepassword"
vcenter_datacenter = "vsphere-dc"
vcenter_datastore = "datastore"
vcenter_network = "VLAN3513"
vcenter_host = ""
vcenter_server = ""
vcenter_subnet = ""
# Template common values
iso_file = "ubuntu-20.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso"
iso_checksum = "28ccdb56450e643bad03bb7bcf7507ce3d8d90e8bf09e38f6bd9ac298a98eaad"
vm_guest_os_member = "server-amd64"
vm_guest_os_version = "20-04-lts"
vm_ipv4 = ""
vm_gateway = ""
vm_mask_bits = "24"
vm_mask = ""
vm_password_salt = "saltwhichholds16"
nameservers = ["", ""]
ssh_username = "devops"
ssh_password = "YouShallNotPass!"
realname = "Tarlan Huseynov"
"consul.pkvars.hcl" in Packer folder
# Consul machine values
vm_cpu_sockets = "4"
vm_cpu_cores = "1"
vm_mem_size = "8192"
vm_disk_size = "51200"
vm_role = "consul"
vm_route_gw = ""
vm_route_targets = ["", "", ""]
shell_scripts = ["./scripts/consul_setup.sh", "./scripts/add_routes.sh", "./scripts/ubuntu_clean.sh"]
packages = ["openssh-server"]