Minimal reproduction of prettier bug: File extension globs not loaded when a plugin is required using require.resolve()
Clone the repository. And navigate to the repo's root folder.
yarn install
yarn prettier -w examples/
- Only the .js file will get formatted
- Note that prettier doesn't raise warnings about unknown options in the prettierrc.jc
- The options phpVersion and wrapAttributes are provided by the @prettier/plugin-php and @shufo/prettier-plugin-blade plugins respectively.
- This implies the plugins are present and explictly loading the plugins has "worked".
Reset all files by running
cp originals/* examples/
yarn prettier -w examples/**/*.{js,blade.php,php,gitignore,sh}
- This way all the files are formatted successfull.
- This confirms 2 things:
- The plugins are loaded and working.
- Prettier is not detecting the extension types declared by the plugins.