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The Hiawatha Monitor is a monitoring tool for the Hiawatha webserver. It can be used to keep track of the performance and security of all your Hiawatha webservers via one single interface.


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#HOW TO INSTALL THE HIAWATHA MONITOR ###Understand how the Hiawatha Monitor works

Read the information at The Hiawatha Monitor HowTo to understand what the Hiawatha Monitor is and how it works.

###Configure your Webserver

Use the following Hiawatha configuration for the Hiawatha Monitor website.

On modern Linux distributions change /var/www/... to /srv/http/....

UrlToolkit {
  ToolkitID = monitor
  RequestURI isfile Return
  Match ^/(css|images|js)/ Return
  Match ^/(favicon.ico|robots.txt)$ Return
  Match [^?]*(\?.*)? Rewrite /index.php$1

VirtualHost {
  Hostname =
  WebsiteRoot = /var/www/monitor/public
  StartFile = index.php
  AccessLogfile = /var/www/monitor/logfiles/access.log
  ErrorLogfile = /var/www/monitor/logfiles/error.log
  ExecuteCGI = yes
  # UseFastCGI = PHP5 #Uncomment if you use PHP as a FastCGI daemon (chage to PHP7 if needed)
  TimeForCGI = 15
  UseToolkit = monitor

###Configure PHP

The Hiawatha Monitor requires the following PHP modules:

  • PHP7:

    • pdo_mysql
    • php-xsl
  • PHP5:

    • php-mysql
    • php-xsl

#####Use the following PHP settings:

  • PHP7:

    • allow_url_include = Off
    • cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0; "0" when using FastCGI PHP, "1" otherwise
    • date.timezone = <your timezone> List of Supported Timezones
  • PHP5:

    • allow_url_include = Off
    • cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0; "0" when using FastCGI PHP, "1" otherwise
    • date.timezone = <your timezone> List of Supported Timezones
    • magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    • register_globals = Off

###Configure Your Database

Open the website in your browser and follow the instructions on your screen. In case of an error, add /setup to the URL.

###Configure Cron Daemon If you want to use systemd Timers see the next section.

Use the following crontab settings to fetch the information from the webservers and to send the daily reports:

  */5 * * * * /path/to/monitor/website/database/fetch_webserver_logs
  0   0 * * * /path/to/monitor/website/database/delete_old_logs
  59 23 * * * /path/to/monitor/website/database/send_reports

###Configure systemd Timers The systemd Timer service files are run by the user http make sure that the http user has read access to .../monitor/website/database/!

Copy the files from the systemd_timers folder to /etc/systemd/system/. Afterwards remove the systemd_timers folder.

Then enable the Timers with:

sudo systemctl enable hiawatha-monitor_delete_old_logs.timer hiawatha-monitor_fetch_webserver_logs.timer hiawatha-monitor_send_reports.timer

###HowTo use the Hiawatha Monitor Login with username admin and password monitor and start adding webservers in the Webserver Administration page. Add MonitorServer = <IP of monitor server> to the configuration file of your Hiawatha webservers.

Don't forget to change the admin password and to check out the settings in the Settings and administration page. You will find the Settings and administration page behind the CMS Link in the bottom right corner.

When you're done testing, set DEBUG_MODE = no in the /.../settings/website.conf and remove the setup module from /.../settings/public_pages.conf.


The Hiawatha Monitor is a monitoring tool for the Hiawatha webserver. It can be used to keep track of the performance and security of all your Hiawatha webservers via one single interface.







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