Welcome to the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 Windows BSP Platform repository.
This repository contains drivers, components and files needed to run Windows on official Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 platforms such as:
- Qualcomm Reference Device (QRD)
We currently support the following chipsets:
- Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1
- N/A
In the following variants:
And with the following configurations:
- N/A
- List to be done, consider "everything" for now.
You can find a few notes under the docs folder inside this repository.
For specific Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 BSP related inquiries, feel free to reach out on this github repository issue tracker, discussion board, or on telegram at:
- t.me/ PLACEHOLDERWOA (if your question is PLACEHOLDER PLACE related, or does not concern a specific third party OEM made watch, or is about the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 BSP in general)
- https://t.me/project_aloha_issues (if your question is not Surface Duo related, or concerns a specific third party OEM made watch, or is about the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 BSP in general)
(Wait for an answer as well, we are not always available for inquiries)
These driver files are not perfect, typos may exist, feel free to file an issue on GitHub in case you found any.
Below notice must be present in all redistributed portions of this software
Please see LICENSE
For preserving charset encoding, please checkout with using:
git clone -c core.autocrlf=false https://github.com/WOA-Project/windows_silicon_qcom_atherton