The Tensorflow implementation of "Review-driven Answer Generation for Product-related Questions in E-commerce ", WSDM 2019.
Feel free to contact me if you find any problem in the package. [email protected]
Tensorflow 1.0.0 Gensim 3.6.0 Numpy 1.13.3
To run the RAGE, you need to prepare your own data as follow:
Each training sample is a pair of question and answer with its auxiliary review snippets. Example:
Sessionid \t Question \t Answer \t Review_snippet1 \t Review_snippet2 …
The question and answer are described as: word1POS tag word2POS tag …
The review_snippet is described as: WMD|word1 word2 word3 …
Note: the data detail could be check in ./data/sample.txt. You could calculate WMD and extract the auxiliary review snippets using Gensim.
The stop word list. Example:
stop_word1 \n stop_word2 …
Note: the detail could be check in ./data/stopword.dic
Each line is the word appear in training and testing dataset with its frequency. And the words are arranged in reverse order. Example:
word1: frequency \n word2: frequency
Note: the detail could be check in ./data/wdj_word_fre.txt
You could pre-train the word embedding of dataset by Gensim, and save the model as the data format of ./data/wdj_word_emd.txt
The maximum probability POS tag for each word in Vocabulary file, which are used for answer generation. Example:
word1:POS_tag \n word2:POS_tag
Note: the detail could be check in ./data/wdj_word_pos.txt
MODE: train or inference
EPOCH: number of training epoch
BATCH_SIZE: batch size
LEARNING_RATE: learning rate
EMD_SIZE: word embedding size, POS tag embedding size and position embedding size
VOCAB_SIZE: valid vocabulary size, must add extra PAD, START, EOS
START_TOKEN: start token sign
EOS_TOKEN: end token sign
PAD: padding sign
EMD_KEEP_PROB: the dropout keep prob between embedding space to hidden space
LAYER_KEEP_PROB: the dropout keep prob between layer and layer
OUT_KEEP_PROB: the dropout keep prob for the final layer output
ENC_LAYER: number of encoder layer
DEC_LAYER: number of decoder layer
ENC_FM_LIST: number of filters of gated convolutional network for each layer in encoder, should be represented as a list [200,200,..]
DEC_FM_LIST: number of filters of gated convolutional network for each layer in decoder, should be represented as a list [200,200,..]
ENC_KWIDTH_LIST: window size of gate convolutional network for each layer in encoder, should be represented as a list[3,3,..]
DEC_KWIDTH_LIST: window size of gate convolutional network for each layer in decoder, should be represented as a list[3,3,..]
POS_SIZE: number of POS tag
MAX_COM_VOCAB: the maximum size of review weighted vocabulary
MAX_EN_LEN: the maximum length of question
MAX_DE_LEN: the maximum length of answer
SAVE_STEP: epoch to save model, when epoch%SAVE_STEP==0 the model would be saved
SAVE_MODEL_PATH: path to save trained model
The main python entry is in class To launch the program there are several parameters must be setting as described above.