Let life be beautiful like summer and death like autumn leaves.
—— 泰戈尔 Rabindranath Tagore
距离高考还剩 不足 90 天;距离英语高考还剩 不足 10 天
💬 你好,别来无恙呀!我是 风释清然SC,你可以叫我 WFB、SC 等等你愿意的称呼!
Hi there! I'm WForst-Breeze, you can simply call me WFB, SC, or whatever you like! -
🌏 我是一名高三学生,来自中国东北,现居住于天津市!
I'm a senior high school student from Northeastern China, currently living in Tianjin! -
📚 我选修物化地,是个文科脑子硬学理科的悲惨高中生……
My Gaokao subjects are Physics, Chemistry, and Geography. I’m good at liberal art subjects but now tragically studying science subjects… -
🧝 我的 MBTI 类型是 调停者 INFP-T,擅长观察人类并尽可能总结出人类恰当的社交方式。
My MBTI type is Mediator (INFP-T). I'm here to observe human behavior so that I can summarize appropriate social interactions... -
📰 我是中文母语者,同时可以阅读英文、法文,但是后者可能无法做到流畅阅读。
I'm a native Chinese speaker, and I can read both English and French, though I might not be fully fluent in reading French.
- ✏ 备战 2025 高考 | Preparing for the 2025 Gaokao.
- 🖥 学习更多编程语言 | Learning more programming languages.
- 🎭 组织管理 PCL Community | Organizing and managing a Organization: PCL Community.
- 🧱 为 Enhanced Stonebricks 模组提供灵感与美术支持 | Providing artistic support for the mod: Enhanced Stonebricks.
- 🛠 担任 PCL2 主仓库社区协管 | Being collaborator in PCL2 repo.
- ⚙ 对无汉化的小众模组进行汉化 | Carry out Chinese translation for mods without Chinese translation.
- 🇫🇷 学习法语 | Apprendre le français.