FIRST Tech Challenge Code for the 2019 SKYSTONE Game
- The latest version of Android Studio
- Git
clone this repository using
git clone
Open Android Studio, and click on Open an existing Android Studio Project.
choose the FTC-Code Folder, and let the project build. if the project doesn't build properly, go to File > Sync Project With Gradle Files. If you are prompted for new updates, install them. It is most likely installing the Android SDK and Build Tools.
Vulcan Robotics is a team based in Foster City, California comprised of 8 members. FTC SKYSTONE is our 6th year of competition in FTC. Vulcan was created on the basis of being an independent, student run organization. More info on our website.
Official Vulcan Robotics Website:
Main Contact: [email protected]
Nothing too special at the moment, some fun algorithms and such is the most interesting thing.
We use DogeCV for our vision library
Currently in the process of developing an FTC testing environment that you can use in existing code with easily, but its development has barely started.