- Check everything
- Remove small "x" in searchbars when text is entered
- profile_providers.php Redesign/reformat
- Create fragments for cards (eg. provider cards in home_clients.php)
- Explore LESS? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1065435/can-a-css-class-inherit-one-or-more-other-classes
- Consider allowing providers to upload preview/promo images of their products.
- Consider allowing providers to select a number of their products, in order to show them for a quick peek when deciding where to order? We would need to add something to the database for this
- Consider adding tutorials/explanations for when a client/provider first uses a certain function? Eg. when first ordering, creating a product, etc.. a modal is shown that explains everything
- home_clients.php Filter providers by category/type
- home_clients.php Implement searchbar (already implemented in place_orders)
- Make footers stay at the bottom of the pages
- Load a limited amount of providers, products, etc at a time and use infinite scrolling to load more when necessary
- Switch place_order address form style to bootstrap's custom one
- Navigate to your Xampp directory.
- Go to mysql\bin
- Run the following command:
mysqldump --routines -u root -p uni_web_prod > uni_web_prod.sql
- Password is (should be) blank