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Manual: Demo Project Overview

azeitler edited this page Jan 24, 2012 · 9 revisions

The Demo Project is a simple App with an PARView and an MapView with a TabBar-Navigation.


This is a sub-class of PARViewController and handles all AR-related tasks including creation and management of the PARView.

The loadView and viewDidLoad methods handle the setup of the PARController (which is an automatically created singleton – you can retrieve it with [PARController sharedARController]).

The setup uses deviceSupportsAR to retrieve the device capabilities and check if they support Augmented Reality functionality. An UIAlertView is displayed should there be any incompatibilities with the device capabilities. The messages displayed by the UIAlertView are completely localizable (based on NSLocalizedString).

The createARPoiObjects method creates a number of test POIs based on the DefaultPoiLabel.xib template file.


This view wraps an MKMapView which – on becoming visible - adds all AR objects from [[PARController sharedARController] arObjects] as annotations to the MapView.

Build Targets

Debug Target

The Debug Target uses the Debug Version of the Framework and adds the Console to the UI of the demo App.

Release Target

The Release Target uses the Release Version of the Framework and removes the Console from the UI of the demo App.