Welcome to Volumetrics ~
Important Links:
- volu.dev - informational landing page about what we're building (incl: blog posts, youtube links, etc)
- volu.blog - our blog ~
- about.volu.dev - a little bit about us and more links to socials
VOLU.DEV Product:
- the VOLU app itself for use in headset that pairs with the vscode extension
- demo site to try out our VOLU product!
- VSCODE EXTENSION - FREE vscode extension on the marketplace
MRJS Product:
- Creation Sandbox - Create something using our api!
- MRjs landing page / demos - Our one stop shop for 'about mrjs' with high def curated and community created demos :D
- documentation - documentation, onboarding, js-api, and more!
- mrjs-dev-examples - the examples from the main mrjs repo used as dev explainers and for testing purposes
Social links:
- Discord - join our Discord! We #buildinpublic using this as our main communication platform
- YouTube - subscribe to our channel and stay updated with our cool demos
- Twitter - follow our progress on twitter
Our podcast: