Use this template to monitor EMC VNX Monitoring&reporting aka VNX M&R vApp/linux instance via passive checks. This readme contains step-by-step instructions for zabbix agent insrtallation and template configuration.
- Install and configure Zabbix-agent inside vApp
- Tweak firewall settings to allow zabbix passive checks
- login to your VNX M&R instance via ssh - use root/Changeme1! credentials and run:
zypper addrepo server_monitoring
zypper update
zypper install zabbix-agent
- configure Zabbix-agent according your needs (server ip for passive checks)
- enable Zabbix-agent service
chkconfig zabbix-agentd on
- check if your changes were applied
chkconfig zabbix-agentd -l
should print smth like:
zabbix-agentd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off
- edit file:
add following line into fw_custom_before_port_handling section before "true":
iptables -I INPUT 2 -p tcp -s --dport 10050 -m comment --comment "zabbix server" -j ACCEPT
- apply changes by running
Now, the easy part :)
- Import template VNX Monitoring & Reporting from this repo into Zabbix
- Add VNX Monitoring & Reporting vApp as New host into Zabbix
- Assign newly imported template to your new host
You can also:
- Assign Template OS Linux to your new host