Software for controlling the bulgarian robot ROBKO 01 (1987) with MCU board STM32L476RG and commands over serial communication by UART. Includes client and server programs for remote control over the Internet. Developed as diplom work at ELSYS (ТУЕС), Sofia.
The project consists of:
- firmware for the microcontroller
- client and server programs for remote control over the Internet
- schematic and layout files for adapter PCB (EDA program: Proteus 8.4)
- STM CubeMX files
- documentation
Used libraries and APIs:
- ST Low-Layer drivers
- ST Hardware Abstraction Layer
- libserialport (for the server)
IDE and compiler:
- Ac6 System Workbench
ST's APIs make up most of the source code. The MCU firmware should run on most STM32xx Nucleo boards with small changes.
Instructions for remote control:
- manufacture the boards from the provided gerber files
- set solder bridges, according to inc/main.h
- assemble the hardware as shown in the documentation
- set the DIP switches to enable remote control
- import, compile and upload the MCU firmware
- modify the macro SERIAL_PORT in Remote_control/robko_server.c to match your serial port
- compile the server and client programs (makefiles provided)
- launch the server on a PC connected to the MCU
- launch the client, providing the server IP address as a parameter
- send commands to the MCU
Command syntax:
MOV motor num_of_steps
MOVE motor0_steps motor1_steps motor2_steps motor3_steps motor4_steps motor5_steps
OFF motor
OPEN_FILE filename
OPTO mode
SET_STEP step_mode
SET_SPEED delay_between_steps
Words in italics are parameters.
Negative numbers of steps cause movement in reverse. 'OFF 6' turns off all motors.
The file, specified by OPEN_FILE must be located in the same directory as the server executable and it must contain
commands in this syntax.
KILL command performs emergency shutdown. CLEAR clears the command queue. FREEZE halts
the robot until it receives RESUME command.
OPTO 1 will cause the next movement command to finish when the optical
sensor on the claw detects an object (or when it completes its steps). OPTO 2 acts the same way but it stops the
movement command when an object is no longer being detected.
SET_STEP 1 will set the step mode to half step and SET_STEP 2 to full step. SET_SPEED sets the delay between steps in miliseconds. GET_STEP, GET_SPEED and GET_POS report the currently set step mode, delay between steps and position respectively.
Commands KILL, CLEAR, FREEZE, RESUME, GET_STEP, GET_SPEED and GET_POS are executed immediately after being received. All other commands are added to a queue and executed in order of reception.\