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gretacv edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the half-earth-v3 wiki!

This is a continuous WIP, please let us know if there is any particular element that is missing and needs documenting, we will try to add it as soon as possible. The aim of this wiki is to provide some context on the development of the platform that shows the Half-Earth map from the Half-Earth project. This wiki is currently aimed at developers and scientists from Vizzuality.

The Half-Earth project

The Half-Earth project is lead by the E.O. Wilson Foundation for Biodiversity. The EOWFB has formed a partnership with Map Of Life who provides the biodiversity data and Vizzuality. ESRI is the platform partner.

The Half-Earth Project is an initiative of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation. Map of Life utilizes geospatial species distribution data and analytics to guide where we have the best opportunity to conserve the most species. Vizzuality brings this information to life.

Structure of the documentation

This documentation has two sides: Front End Development and Science. Some topics spread over the two side, for those there are links that allow to go from one side to the other.


Each page will have a responsible. It is possible to update a page for which one is not the responsible. The reviewing process will be done via Jira.


  • Species Richness: is the number of species present at a location.
  • Endemism: Endemic species have ranges restricted to a localised area, though this area could be large or small. To quantify the endemism of each species, we calculated the proportion of total range area each grid cell represented for each species. We then calculated total taxa endemism at each location by summing the endemism values for all bird species found in each grid cell.
  • Species rarity describes the average endemism value in each grid cell. To calculate rarity we divided species endemism by species richness.
  • Taxa: Biodiversity is classified by taxonomy. There are some particular levels of taxonomy but every single level can be described as a taxon.