A comprehensive guide covering essential Git commands and operations, including repository management, making changes, parallel development, syncing, configuration, and project management. Perfect for quick reference and detailed workflows.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
sudo dnf install git
sudo pacman -S git
- Download the Git for Windows installer from git-scm.com.
- Run the installer and follow the instructions.
choco install git
brew install git
sudo port install git
- Git comes pre-installed with Xcode.
Operation | Command | Description |
Init | git init |
Create a new local git repository |
Clone | git clone [Repo URL] |
Create a copy of the original repository |
Fork | git fork |
Create a copy of the original repository on GitHub |
Remove Init | rm -rf .git |
Remove the .git directory |
Operation | Command | Description |
Status | git status |
Check the status of the current repository |
Add | git add [file names] |
Add single or multiple files to the staging area |
git add . |
Add all files to the staging area | |
Commit | git commit -m "[message]" |
Commit the changes with a message |
Log | git log |
Show details of all commits |
git log [Branch Name] |
Show details of specific commits | |
Show | git show [Commit ID] |
Show detailed information of a specific commit |
Reset | git reset |
Reset the HEAD to the last commit and discard new changes |
git reset [file name] |
Remove specific files from the staging area | |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
Undo the last commit but keep the changes staged | |
git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
Undo the last commit and discard the changes | |
Stash | git stash |
Stash changes into the staging area |
git stash list |
Show all stash entries | |
git stash apply |
Apply a stash | |
Clean | git clean -f |
Remove untracked files from the working directory |
git clean -fd |
Remove untracked files and directories | |
Alias | git config --global alias.[alias] [command] |
Shortened commands that map to longer commands |
Tag | git tag [Tag Name] |
Add a tag at a specific point for extra information |
git tag -l |
List all tags | |
git tag -a [Tag Name] -m "[Message]" |
Create an annotated tag | |
Blame | git blame [File Name] |
Show the person who made changes in a file |
Diff | git diff [Branch Name] |
Compare the branch with the active branch |
git diff [Primary Branch Name] [Secondary Branch Name] |
Compare two branches | |
git diff [Primary Commit Name] [Secondary Commit Name] |
Compare two commits | |
Apply a Patch | git apply [Patch File] |
Apply changes from a patch file |
Show Remote Branches | git branch -r |
List remote branches |
Check File History | git log --follow [file name] |
Show the commit history of a specific file, including renames |
Amend Commit | git commit --amend |
Modify the last commit with new changes |
Check Ignore | git check-ignore -v [file name] |
Check if a file is being ignored by .gitignore |
Operation | Command | Description |
Branch | git branch |
List all available branches |
git branch [New Branch Name] |
Create a new branch from the active branch | |
git branch --delete/-d [Existing Branch Name] |
Delete a branch in the local repository | |
git branch -m [Existing Branch Name] [New Branch Name] |
Rename an existing branch | |
Checkout | git checkout [Existing Branch Name/ New Branch Name] |
Checkout to another branch or create a new one |
Merge | git merge [Secondary Branch Name] |
Merge the secondary branch into the active branch |
Rebase | git rebase [Branch Name] |
Update the active branch with commits from the secondary branch |
Cherry Pick | git cherry-pick [Commit ID] |
Apply the changes from a specific commit onto the current branch |
Revert | git revert [Commit ID] |
Create a new commit that undoes the changes of a specific commit |
Squash Commits | git rebase -i [Commit ID/Branch Name] |
Interactive rebase to squash commits |
List Commits between Two Branches | git log [Branch 1]..[Branch 2] |
List commits that are in Branch 2 but not in Branch 1 |
Bisect | git bisect start |
Start a bisect session |
git bisect bad |
Mark the current commit as bad | |
git bisect good [Commit ID] |
Mark a known good commit | |
Rename Branch | git branch -m [New Branch Name] |
Rename the current branch |
Restore Branch | git checkout -b [Branch Name] [Commit ID] |
Restore a branch that has been deleted |
Delete Remote Branch | git push origin --delete [Branch Name] |
Delete a branch on the remote repository |
Operation | Command | Description |
Remote | git remote -v |
Verify the remote repository URL |
git remote add origin [repo URL] |
Link a remote repository to the local repository | |
git remote add upstream [repo URL] |
Add the upstream repository | |
git remote rename origin [New Repo Name] |
Rename the remote repository | |
git remote remove/rm origin |
Remove the remote repository | |
Push | git push (-f optional) origin [Branch Name] |
Push local changes to the remote repository (-f for force push) |
git push :[Old Branch Name] [New Branch Name] |
Rename the branch on the remote repository | |
git push --delete origin [Branch Name] |
Delete the remote branch | |
Pull | git pull origin [Branch Name] |
Copy/update the remote repository to the local repository |
git pull --rebase origin [Branch Name] |
Rebase the local commits on top of the upstream changes | |
Fetch | git fetch |
Download objects and refs from another repository |
git fetch upstream |
Fetch changes from the upstream repository | |
Submodule | git submodule add [Repo URL] [Path] |
Add a submodule to the repository |
git submodule update --init --recursive |
Initialize, fetch, and checkout submodules |
Operation | Command | Description |
Check Config | git config --list |
Check already configured parameters |
Global Config | git config --global user.name "Vivek Shravan Tate" |
Configure username globally |
git config --global user.email "[email protected]" |
Configure email globally | |
Local Config | git config user.name "Vivek Shravan Tate" |
Configure username locally |
git config user.email "[email protected]" |
Configure email locally | |
Configure SSH for GitHub | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]" |
Generate a new SSH key |
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa |
Add SSH key to the ssh-agent | |
Alias Creation | git config --global alias.[alias] [command] |
Create a shortcut for a Git command |
Edit Config | git config --global --edit |
Edit the global Git configuration file |
Operation | Command | Description |
Archive | git archive --format=zip --output [path] [Branch Name] |
Archive the branch into a zip file |
Bundle | git bundle create ../repo.bundler [Branch Name] |
Create a file of the branch |
Operation | Command | Description |
Reflog | git reflog |
Show a log of all references (HEAD changes) |
FSCK | git fsck |
Check the integrity of the repository |
GC | git gc |
Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the repository |
Reflog Recovery | git checkout -b [branch] [reflog commit] |
Recover a branch using a commit from reflog |
Operation | Command | Description |
Create Hook | vi .git/hooks/[hook-name] |
Create or edit a Git hook |
Enable Hook | chmod +x .git/hooks/[hook-name] |
Make the hook script executable |
Sample Hook | cp .git/hooks/[hook-name].sample .git/hooks/[hook-name] |
Copy and edit a sample hook script |
Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues or suggestions. Connect with me on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected].