- roomscale swings now only hit each entity once, instead of spamming attacks (get's reset when stopping the swing or exiting the hit entity)
- add keybind to toggle walk up blocks on/off
- add option to aim with the head, instead of the controller
- add clarification to the "installation path" error
- make loading the wrong mod version on forge more clear
- fix crash when using quickplay
- fix vr players snapping to spots their entity isn't and fix the first person player model squishing to the ground when the camera entity isn't the player
- fix accessories head cosmetics showing in first person
- fix crash with some mods, when trying to find interactable blocks
- fix crash with jcraft when placing a clone
- fix automan inertia speed glitch and reduce low inertia bunnyhopping speed advantage
- fix VR init errors not showing on startup
- fix shaders with iris/oculus versions older than 1.6
- fix crash with optifine shaders when vr is off and shader optimizations are set to off
- fix issue when enabling vr, when multiple keybinds have the same name
- fix crash with neoforge 21.4.84+, new required minimum version is now 21.4.84
- fix menuhand rendering when the head is inside a block
- fix gui brightness changing when using iris shaders with gui set to after shader
- treat item model overrides like custom model data and use the raw item position for them
- fix curios/trinket head cosmetics showing in first person
- fix spyglass with shaders on optifine
- change minimum forge version to 40.2.3, lower versions cause errors