Source code of the VOWL plugin for Protégé.
Note that ProtégéVOWL has some knwon has some known bugs and does not implement all visual elements defined in the VOWL specification. A more complete implementation of VOWL is provided by the web application [WebVOWL] (
See for more information on ProtégéVOWL and WebVOWL.
Java JDK is required for the ProtégéVOWL build.
There are several options if you want to use Eclipse as IDE. You need to select the
within Eclipse and select the Maven
, Existing Maven Projects
option and select the ProtégéVOWL Git Repository. Eclipse will automatically suggest to import pom.xml
Some steps are required to build ProtégéVOWL with Maven. If you use Eclipse you need to run the pom.xml
as Maven build and you may need to select JDK as Alternate JRE.
In addition you need to add the goals clean compile package
. You will find the compiled packaged within the target folder.
To copy the build result to your Protégé installation you need to add install
to your maven goals.
In addition you have to add the parameter protege.home
which leads to your Protégé installation.
If you remove the install
goal the build result is not copied to Protégé.