Nova Image TinyMCE Editor is Laravel Nova field that integrates TinyMCE5 WYSIWYG editor wit inbuilt image gallery.
Use the composer to install this package.
composer require visanduma/nova-image-tinymce
Publish config with the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Visanduma\NovaImageTinymce\FieldServiceProvider"
Edit TinyMCE options and image related configrations. add your TinyMCE cloud API key here or to your .env file like this:
Run migration to build image table
php artisan migrate
Add NovaImageTinymce class and field to your Nova Resource.
use Visanduma\NovaImageTinymce\NovaImageTinymceEditor;
NovaImageTinymceEditor::make('Body', 'body')->useImageGallery()
Disable image upload feature
NovaImageTinymceEditor::make('Body', 'body')->useImageGallery()->withoutImageUpload()
You can pass arguments and TinyMCE options directly from a field to customize your toolbar and plugins, like this:
NovaImageTinymceEditor::make('Body')->placeholder('Enter content here')
->options(['toolbar' => ['undo redo | align | link | code'], 'plugins' => ['link code']]),
For available options/plugins visit official TinyMCE 5 documentation.
The default image handler is inbuilt one with it's own data table. you can chage image hnadler in config file. image handlers mustbe compatible with "MediaControllerInterface"
'media_handler' => \Visanduma\NovaImageTinymce\Controller\MediaController::class
This package was created on top of Kraftbit/nova-tinymce5-editor