An Undertale-themed Hangman game, created using React, React Bootstrap and determination.
You will need to install the React Bootstrap package. To do so, at the root of the file directory, run npm run install
or yarn
Upon loading, you'll reach the intro screen. Press any key or click on the screen to begin the game.
Once on the game screen, a character from the game Undertale will appear on the screen. Try to guess the character's name, one letter at a time. Press any letter on your keyboard to submit your guess. Correct guesses will replace the blank spaces inside the white-bordered rectangle. Incorrect guesses will populate underneath the rectangle on the far-right side, and reduce your total number of chances by 1. You start with 6 chances for each puzzle. You'll get different result screens for when you win or lose.
If you're on mobile, or if you prefer to use a touch-input or mouse, you can click on the button labeled "Fight" to have an onscreen keyboard appear. Any letter selected on the screen will function just as a key press on a physical keyboard would.
- I would like to add music throughtout the project
- Different music should play for each character that appears
- Right and wrong guess should trigger different sounds effects
- Win and lose screens should play different music.
- The onscreen keyboard should be better scaled on mobile devices for ease of use.
- Javascript
- React
- React Bootstrap