released this
13 Aug 13:55
Fixed the file system changes watching and cache invalidation
Used case insensitive equals for find currency symbol from given isoCode
Do not log out an anonymous user when the cookie expires (#127 )
Fixed bug with ArgumentOutOfRange exception during anonymous user login
Added missed property mapping in the tax converter. It led to invalid tax calculation for products in the search list
Added token validation to reset password and registration by invitation forms (#135 )
Feature Limit the reward for relative discount (#137 )
"version" parameter added to liquid context (#134 )
Switched the AsyncLock static type to use AsyncLock from Nito.AsyncEx library
Moved the cache key generation for ShoppingCart from Controllers to the type ShoopingCart.GetCacheKey()
Add customer login name into Application Insight events (#145 )
Added snapshot collection for exceptions into Application Insight
Fixed bug with incorrect authorization work for static pages
Added check for user rejection (#146 )
Descriptions without language used as fallback… (#139 )
Redirect to log in when cookie expired (#128 )
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