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PAPLJ in Xtext

An Xtext implementation of the PAPLJ language, a simplified Java dialect for teaching Programming And Programming Languages in Java.


The PAPLJ project in Xtext has the following features:

  • permissive grammar with operator precedence;
  • core library;
  • type checking;
  • type inference;
  • Java class generator.


The Xtext implementation of PAPLJ has some differences when compared to the Spoofax implementation. In the Xtext implementation:

  • the syntax is a bit more permissive;
  • keywords are not allowed in identifiers;
  • casts are written as x as T instead of (T)x;
  • null is assignable to everything;
  • everything is assignable to Any;
  • run is optional;

Build and Run

Import the nested existing PAPLJ projects into the workspace of Eclipse with the Xtext 2.11 installed in it.


To run an Eclipse instance with PAPLJ:

  1. right-click the main project org.metaborg.paplj;
  2. select Run AsEclipse Application to launch the Eclipse instance;
  3. in the new Eclipse instance, create a new Plug-in Project;
  4. in the MANIFEST.MF, add org.metaborg.paplj to the Required Plug-ins dependencies;
  5. in the src directory, create a new file ending with the .pj extension;
  6. if asked, confirm the conversion to an Xtext project.


To run an IntelliJ instance with PAPLJ:

Note: This doesn't currently work as no IntelliJ plugin has been released for Xtext 2.11.

  1. open the Gradle Tasks view via WindowShow viewOther...GradleGradle Tasks;
  2. expand the org.metaborg.paplj.parent project;
  3. double-click the intellij idea/runIdea task to launch the IntelliJ instance;
  4. create a new Java project - it doesn't need a JDK;
  5. in the src directory, create a new file ending with the .pj extension.

Web Editor

To run the Web Editor with PAPLJ:

  1. open the Gradle Tasks view via WindowShow viewOther...GradleGradle Tasks;
  2. expand the org.metaborg.paplj.parent project;
  3. double-click the run/jettyRun task to launch the Jetty server;
  4. open the URL shown in the Console view.

Note: This doesn't load the PAPLJ core library.


The workspace consists of the following projects:

  • org.metaborg.paplj.parent — Aggregator build so all modules can be built with one Maven command.
  • org.metaborg.paplj — The grammar definition and all languge-specific components.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.tests — Unit-tests for the language.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.ide — Platform-independent IDE functionality.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.idea — IntelliJ IDEA functionality.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.ui — Eclipse functionality.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.ui.tests — Eclipse unit-tests.
  • — Eclipse target platform definition against which to build.
  • org.metaborg.paplj.web — Web functionality.


Xtext Grammar

When changing the Xtext grammar, you need to regenerate the Xtext artifacts:

  1. open the file Paplj.xtext in the org.metaborg.paplj package in the src directory of the org.metaborg.paplj project;
  2. right-click the grammar editor;
  3. select Run AsGenerate Xtext Artifacts.


To get the guillemets used in Xtend files (that is, « and »), in the Eclipse editor press Ctrl+Shift+<, Ctrl+Shift+> (or on Mac Cmd instead of Ctrl).


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