I’m a full stack developer with one year of experience in technologies such as Lit Element for front-end and Java for back-end development. The ability to learn, adapt, and make decisions in a team setting is crucial. I possess strong skills in interacting and integrating with people. I am someone who enjoys innovating, working collaboratively, promoting ethical values, and generating diverse ideas through my creativity.
- [email protected]
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-chavez-cruz/
- https://www.instagram.com/vicchavez1573/
- [email protected]
- 55-5177-7936
- Javascript
- Lit ELement
- Boostrapt
- Sass
- Java
- Node JS
- Mathlab
- BitBucket
- Jira
- Github
- Multisim
Trabajo en equipo
- Closures y scope en javascript Platzi
- Fundamentos NODE.JS Platzi
- Taller de Inglés Básico para Descripciones Personales
- Curso Profesional de Scrum
- Curso de Programación Orientada a Objetos: POO
- Curso de Pensamiento Lógico: Manejo de Datos, Estructuras y Funciones
- Curso de Pensamiento Lógico: Algoritmos y Diagramas de Flujo
- Curso de Java SE Orientado a Objetos
- Curso de Introducción a Java SE
- Curso de Inglés Básico A1 para Principiantes
- Curso de Inglés Básico A1: Conversaciones Cortas y Habituales
- Curso Básico de JavaScript
I developed a bank and interbank payroll dispersal system for BBVA, which provides services to corporate clients. For the backend, I used Java, and for the frontend, I utilized JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, and Lit Element. Additionally, I automated the system using Jenkins and handled cloud operations on AWS.
I collaborated with a team to develop a website for an e-commerce platform focused on clothing with memes. As a team member, I used Figma to create the design, and with the assistance of Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS3, I worked on the front-end development. I also utilized tools related to the back-end. Throughout the process, we worked as a team using the Scrum methodology, where I would share my daily objectives and any coding challenges I encountered. You can find the project repository at this link
In the field, I developed an Excel-based indicator to prevent accidents. I worked in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard to achieve the desired outcomes. This tool allowed for a daily review of bus information and driver habits. As a supervisor, I addressed various customer issues, such as lost luggage, incidents with other passengers, incidents with drivers, and even serious situations like accidents. During this role, I improved my behavioral skills, including communication, teamwork, individual decision-making, and collaborative decision-making.
Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica / Ingeniería en Comunicaciones y Electrónica (Titulado) / 2016-2021
Instituto Politécnico Nacional Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos num.11 Wilfrido Massieu/ Técnico en Telecomunicaciones / 2013 - 2016
- Taller de entrevistas y capacitacion a jóvenes
- Reforestaciones