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I wanted to build a website(or any other client with User Interface) and web service that will have Users login/register and uploading and showing images.

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Use this link to quickly test the API Documentation.

Note: [[ Hey everyone!!!! for now you can be able to pass requests from the deployed API, the Database is deployed too. everything is okey now. (link to the deployed client side: ""api integrated ) ]]

Note:::: the online database is down, the license has expired unfortunatly, it's mean it's better to test localy

Picture API

I wanted to build a website(or any other client with User Interface) and web service that will have

  • Users login/register
  • Uploading and showing images.
  • Require Username(email) and Password parameters for the login
  • Detail for images: Title and Description.
  • The website should show all the images that users uploaded and sort by date of upload Ascending(asc) and Descending(desc). And that’s it.
  • The website should display them somehow allowing us to change the sorting.
  • Also the important part is that Api should not allow posting images to api without authentication.

Project setup

  1. Install nodejs if you don't have it installed ( check it in the terminal, type $ node -v or $ npm -v)
  2. Clone the project from the terminal (type $ git clone or you can download a ZIP file
  3. Then open the main directory of the project then type in the terminal the below cmd
npm install

Database setup

  1. Go in phpmyadmin (make sure that your server is on. you can use 'MAMP', 'XAMPP', ...)

  2. Create a Database with any name

  3. Import the file ujatcare_test_db.sql ( path: ./db/ujatcare_test_db.sql) in the Databese you created

  4. Open the file config.js ( path: ./config/config.json) and put informations of the Databese you created

    # your db username by default is 'root' ...
    "username": "root", 
    # your db password by default is ' '(empty) and for MAMP is 'root' ...
    "password": "root", 
    # name of the db you created ...
    "database": "ujatcare_test_db",
    # leave it like this if you're in local ...
    "host": "",
    # leave this too, is the type of db used ...
    "dialect": "mysql",
    # put the port of you db server (this is by default for MAMP) ...
    "port": "8889" 

    Note: for more precision give the same config for developement, test, and production.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development server

  1. Go back again in the terminal and type the below cmd to run the API Server
npm start
  1. Then open an API tester application (for exemple Postman) and test.

    Note: the base url for testing Endpoints is http://localhost:3000/api/v1/ for exemple to test the Login Endpoint is http://localhost:3000/api/v1/login

  2. At the end, you can Open your browser and type the url http://localhost:3000/api-docs/ for the API Documentation

  3. You can also test both the Client side and Server side from the Client side app, if you don't have the Client side app for this API please folow this link and proccess the staps from the README.MD file.

Note: The authantification User Token validity is for 1h, it mean after 1h you have to connect sourself again beceause you cannot pass any request if the Token is no more valid (it's like you're note connected)... (just for security).

Contact the Developer

Contact the Developer for more details or if there is any issues...


I wanted to build a website(or any other client with User Interface) and web service that will have Users login/register and uploading and showing images.







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